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A UI element, the main building block of the UI system. All elements are created with methods on a parent Element. Elements are very configurable, and have many HTML-like layout features. All layout properties can be set to nil to reset them to the default value, which will deactivate any related layout mode.

Elements can have custom data attached using their Property key-value store, and specific Elements have specific element.widget accessors to control behaviour.



The horizontal alignment of the element relative to it's parent element. Can be nil. If nil, deactivates behaviour associated with this property. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. Sets the element's positionX to a point relative to the parent element. A value of 0.0 is equal to the parent element's left content edge, whereas a value of 1.0 is equal to the parent element's right content edge. The positioning is absolute, which frees the element from the standard flow layout and allows overlapping elements.

Incompatible with and will change the value of ignoreLayoutX.

Elements may not respond to widthProportional sizing after this property is set. If you need to use both you should consider testing if it works first.


  • result (number)


The vertical alignment of the element relative to it's parent element. Can be nil. If nil, deactivates behaviour associated with this property. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. Sets the element's positionY to a point relative to the parent element. A value of 0.0 is equal to the parent element's top content edge, whereas a value of 1.0 is equal to the parent element's bottom content edge. The positioning is absolute, which frees the element from the standard flow layout and allows overlapping elements.

Incompatible with and will change the value of ignoreLayoutY.

Elements may not respond to heightProportional sizing after this property is set. If you need to use both you should consider testing if it works first.


  • result (number)


The element's alpha color. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. Used to composite elements. If you wish to hide an element completely, use disable instead.


Set your menu's alpha value to the tes3.worldController.menuAlpha to match the User's "Menu transparency" setting.


  • result (number)


If true, automatically expands element dimensions to fit child elements. Ignores child elements that have ignoreLayoutY set to true. Dimensions are restricted by minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth and maxHeight properties.


  • result (boolean)


If true, automatically expands element dimensions to fit child elements. Ignores child elements that have ignoreLayoutX set to true. Dimensions are restricted by minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth and maxHeight properties.


  • result (boolean)


The border size in pixels. Border is the extra empty space around an element. Individual border sizes default to using the borderAllSides setting.


  • result (integer)


The bottom border size in pixels. When this is set to -1, the borderAllSides setting is used for this side instead.


  • result (integer)


The left border size in pixels. When this is set to -1, the borderAllSides setting is used for this side instead.


  • result (integer)


The left border size in pixels. When this is set to -1, the borderAllSides setting is used for this side instead.


  • result (integer)


The top border size in pixels. When this is set to -1, the borderAllSides setting is used for this side instead.


  • result (integer)


Sets alignment of child elements inside its parent, though it only works in specific conditions. 0.0 = left/top edge touches left/top edge of parent, 0.5 = centred, 1.0 = right/bottom edge touches right/bottom edge of parent. For negative values, there is a special case behaviour: all children but the last will be left-aligned/top-aligned, the last child will be right-aligned/bottom-aligned.


Child alignment only works if the element has proportional sizing (using widthProportional/heightProportional) and all children use non-proportional sizing (widthProportional and heightProportional are nil).


  • result (number)


See childAlignX.


  • result (number)


The view offset in pixels, applied to the position of child nodes. Used in scroll panes.


  • result (integer)


See childOffsetX.


  • result (number)


Read-only. The child elements of this element. This is a copy that does not track changes.



The RGB color of the element. An array of 3 numbers with values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. For menus and rects, it sets the background color. For text, it sets the text color. For images, it multiplies the image by the color.


  • result (number[])


When true, mouse events over this element are sent to event handlers, or discarded if there is no handler. When false, mouse events go upwards to the first ancestor that can consume mouse events. Useful to set on widget sub-elements. true by default.


  • result (boolean)


The file path to the image or model content of this element. Only used if contentType is set to tes3.contentType.image or tes3.contentType.model.


  • result (string)


Read-only. The type of content this tes3uiElement represents. Maps to values in the tes3.contentType table.



Disables user actions on this element. Widgets may stop accepting mouse and keyboard input while disabled.


  • result (boolean)


Indicates which direction child elements are laid out. These values are available as tes3.flowDirection enumeration.



Index of font to use for text. These indices are mapped to actual font files in the Morrowind.ini file under the [Fonts] section. The table below lists the default fonts mapping.

Index description
0 magic_cards_regular (Magic Cards, default)
1 century_gothic_font_regular (Century Sans)
2 daedric_font


  • result (integer)


The element's height in pixels.


  • result (integer)


Sets element dimensions using a proportional sizer. The sizer starts with the parent dimension in the flow direction, subtracts any fixed dimension children leaving the proportional sizer space. Each proportionally sized element then gets an equal division of the space, multiplied by this member. Values above 1.0 are permissible.


If widthProportional is used without heightProportional, an element may not respond to changes in parent size. It is recommended to set heightProportional, or have a fixed size sibling element if dynamic reflow is required.

Overrides fixed, minimum and maximum sizes unless this value is nil (default).


  • result (number)


Read-only. The element's ID. The element can be later accessed by ancestor:findChild(id). Note that multiple elements may have the same ID, such as subparts of a widget, or list items. Therefore, you may think of ids as an element class identifier.


  • result (number)


If true, the element's positionX can be modified and will not be affected by any layout restrictions imposed by the parent element. Incompatible with and will change the value of absolutePosAlignX.

Elements that bypass parent layout will be ignored when automatically determing the parent's width. See autoWidth for more information.


  • result (boolean)


If true, the element's positionY can be modified and will not be affected by any layout restrictions imposed by the parent element. Incompatible with and will change the value of absolutePosAlignY.

Elements that bypass parent layout will be ignored when automatically determing the parent's height. See autoHeight for more information.


  • result (boolean)


Image scaling multipliers. Only applies to image elements. 0 disables scaling and displays the original image. Negative numbers will mirror and scale along this axis.


  • result (number)


Image scaling multipliers. Only applies to image elements. 0 disables scaling and displays the original image. Negative numbers will mirror and scale along this axis.


  • result (number)


Controls text justification. To work correctly for center/right justification, wrapText must be true. Maps to values in the tes3.justifyText table.



The maximum height for auto-size layout and resizable frames.


  • result (integer)


The maximum width for auto-size layout and resizable frames.


  • result (integer)


The minimum height for auto-size layout and resizable frames.


  • result (integer)


The minimum width for auto-size layout and resizable frames.


  • result (integer)


Read-only. The element's name, taken from the name registered for the ID.


  • result (string)


The padding size in pixels. Padding is the blank space between the edge of an element and its contents. Individual padding sizes default to -1, making it use the paddingAllSides setting.


  • result (integer)


The bottom padding size in pixels. When this is set to -1, the paddingAllSides setting is used for this side instead.


  • result (integer)


The left padding size in pixels. When this is set to -1, the paddingAllSides setting is used for this side instead.


  • result (integer)


Integer number. Right padding size in pixels. When this is set to -1, the paddingAllSides setting is used for this side instead.


  • result (number)


The top padding size in pixels. When this is set to -1, the paddingAllSides setting is used for this side instead.


  • result (integer)


Read-only. A reference to the parent element.



The element's horizontal position relative to its parent's top-left content area. For top-level menus, the position will be relative to the the centre of the screen. Modifying this value will not have any effect on most elements due to child element's positions being controlled by the layout and positioning settings of their parent elements, unless ignoreLayoutX is true.


  • result (integer)


The element's vertical position relative to its parent's top-left content area. For top-level menus, the position will be relative to the the centre of the screen. Modifying this value will not have any effect on most elements due to child element's positions being controlled by the layout and positioning settings of their parent elements, unless ignoreLayoutY is true.


  • result (integer)


The raw value of the element's text. This, unlike the normal text property, will not directly read widget information or handle the removal of the positional cursor.


  • result (string)


Controls if there is repeating text input when keys are held down. true by default.


  • result (boolean)


When set to true on image and NIF elements, the image or NIF is scaled to fit the element width and height.


  • result (boolean)


Read-only. Underlying access to the scene graph responsible for this element.



The element's text. Text input can be read by accessing this property.


If your element's text is a number, you need to manually convert it to string using tostring().


  • result (string)


The underlying texture for the element. This assumes that the element is of an element type. Setting this value will change the element to an image type.



Read-only. The type of content this tes3uiElement represents. This is an expanded set of the options available from the contentType property. Maps to values in tes3.uiElementType.



Controls if the element is visible.


  • result (boolean)


Access to element specific properties. This will be nil if there are no element specific properties. See the return types and the create* functions for more details.



The element's width in pixels.


  • result (integer)


Sets element dimensions using a proportional sizer. The sizer starts with the parent dimension in the flow direction, subtracts any fixed dimension children leaving the proportional sizer space. Each proportionally sized element then gets an equal division of the space, multiplied by this member. Values above 1.0 are permissible.


If widthProportional is used without heightProportional, an element may not respond to changes in parent size. It is recommended to set heightProportional, or have a fixed size sibling element if dynamic reflow is required.

Overrides fixed, minimum and maximum sizes unless this value is nil (default).


  • result (number)


Controls text wrapping. Setting this to true will also set heightProportional to 1.0, which is required for wrapping text to adjust to its container size.


  • result (boolean)



Copies this element to a new parent. This function can have unintended consequences. The specifics of what exact elements are being copied is important.

local copy = myObject:copy({ to = ..., copyChildren = ..., copyProperties = ... })


  • params (table)
    • to (tes3uiElement): The element to create the copy in. Will be the parent of the newly created element.
    • copyChildren (boolean): Default: true. If true, all children will also be copied to the newly created element.
    • copyProperties (boolean): Default: true. If true, all properties will be copied to the newly created element.



Creates an empty block container inside the element. Used to group and layout elements.

local result = myObject:createBlock({ id = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.



Creates a clickable button. Register the mouseClick event to capture a button press.

Button specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for buttons is tes3uiButton.

local result = myObject:createButton({ id = ..., text = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • text (string): Optional. The text to add to the button. It will highlight on mouseover like a text select widget.



Creates a clickable button, whose text changes linearly through options as it is clicked. Register the valueChanged event for when the option is cycled or changed via script.

Button specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for buttons is tes3uiCycleButton.

local result = myObject:createCycleButton({ id = ..., options = ..., index = ... })


  • params (table)
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • options (tes3uiCycleButtonOption[]): An array of options for the button to cycle through. At minimum the option must have a text property defined, to show on the button. If a value is provided, it can be accessed through the .widget's .value property.
    • index (number): Optional. The index selected by default.



Creates a textured horizontal divider line, as used in the magic and stat menus. Scales automatically to the container width.

local result = myObject:createDivider({ id = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.



Creates a horizontal quantity indicator bar.

Fillbar specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for fillbars is tes3uiFillBar.

local result = myObject:createFillBar({ id = ..., current = ..., max = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • current (number): Optional. The current value of the fillbar.
    • max (number): Optional. The maximum value of the fillbar.



Creates a horizontally scrolling pane.

Scroll panes create a complex UI subtree, with a container for child elements. create* methods automatically place new elements in this container, not as a direct child of the scroll pane. The container element can be accessed with the getContentElement() method. It should be used when iterating or clearing the scroll pane contents.

Scroll pane specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for scroll panes is tes3uiScrollPane.

local result = myObject:createHorizontalScrollPane({ id = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.


Creates a clickable text, colored as a link. When the link is clicked, a URL is opened in the player's browser. If the confirm property is set, a confirmation prompt is opened first.

Hyperlink-specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for hyperlinks is tes3uiHyperlink.

local element = myObject:createHyperlink({ id = ..., text = ..., url = ..., confirm = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • text (string): The text to add to the hyperlink.
    • url (string): The URL to open when the text is clicked.
    • confirm (boolean): Default: true. If true, a confirmation prompt will be shown before any URL is opened.



Creates a text area with clickable words as links. Usage is still under research.

local result = myObject:createHypertext({ id = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.



Creates an image element from a texture file. The texture must have power-of-2 dimensions (i.e. 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024); the final display size can be trimmed by setting width and height.

local result = myObject:createImage({ id = ..., path = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • path (string): Optional. An image path. This path is relative to Data Files.



Creates an interactive button composed of images for the idle, over, and pressed states. The texture must have power-of-2 dimensions (i.e. 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024); the final display size can be trimmed by setting width and height.

local result = myObject:createImageButton({ id = ..., idle = ..., over = ..., pressed = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • idle (string): The path to the idle image. This path is relative to Data Files.
    • over (string): The path to the mouse hover image. This path is relative to Data Files.
    • pressed (string): The path to the mouse pressed image. This path is relative to Data Files.



Creates a text label. It defaults to displaying all text on a single line. To get a multi-line label, set wrapText to true. The element is created with autoWidth and autoHeight turned on.

local result = myObject:createLabel({ id = ..., text = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • text (string): Default: (nil). The text to display.



Creates a NIF model from a file. Still under research.

local result = myObject:createNif({ id = ..., path = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • path (string): A model path. This path is relative to Data Files.



Creates a multi-line text input element, with line wrapping on. To receive input the keyboard must be captured with tes3ui.acquireTextInput(element). Read the input with the text property. Write an initial value to edit by setting the text property.

Paragraph input specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for paragraph inputs is tes3uiParagraphInput.

local result = myObject:createParagraphInput({ id = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.



Creates a filled rectangle. The rectangle is displayed as filled with the element's color. It supports alpha compositing.

local result = myObject:createRect({ id = ..., color = ..., randomizeColor = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • color (tes3vector3, number[]): Optional. The fill color for the element.
    • randomizeColor (boolean): Default: false. If true, the creation color will be randomized.



Creates a horizontal slider.

Slider specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for sliders is tes3uiSlider.

local result = myObject:createSlider({ id = ..., current = ..., max = ..., step = ..., jump = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • current (number): The current value of the slider.
    • max (number): The maximum value of the slider.
    • step (number): Default: 1. The change in value when clicking the left and right arrow buttons.
    • jump (number): Default: 5. The change in value when clicking into the empty areas next to the slider handle.



Creates a vertical slider.

Slider specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for sliders is tes3uiSlider.

local result = myObject:createSliderVertical({ id = ..., current = ..., max = ..., step = ..., jump = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • current (number): The current value of the slider.
    • max (number): The maximum value of the slider.
    • step (number): Default: 1. The change in value when clicking the left and right arrow buttons.
    • jump (number): Default: 5. The change in value when clicking into the empty areas next to the slider handle.



Creates a single line text input element. To receive input the keyboard must be captured with tes3ui.acquireTextInput(element). Read the input with the text property. Write an initial value to display by setting the text property; that value will be cleared on the first keypress.

Text input specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for text inputs is tes3uiTextInput.

local result = myObject:createTextInput({ id = ..., text = ..., placeholderText = ..., numeric = ..., autoFocus = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • text (string): Optional. The initial text to use for the input.
    • placeholderText (string): Optional. Placeholder text for the input. If the element is ever made empty, this will be displayed instead in the disabled text color.
    • numeric (boolean): Default: false. If true, only numbers can be put into the input. The text value of the element will still be a string, and need to be converted using tonumber.
    • autoFocus (boolean): Default: false. If true, the input will be automatically focused after creation.



Creates a selectable line of text, with configurable hover, click, and disabled colors. Can be used to create a list box by placing them in a ScrollPane.

Text select specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for text selects is tes3uiTextSelect.

local result = myObject:createTextSelect({ id = ..., text = ..., state = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.
    • text (string): Optional. The text to display.
    • state (tes3.uiState): Default: tes3.uiState.normal. The initial interaction state.



Creates a styled thin border element. Any content should be created as children of this border.

local result = myObject:createThinBorder({ id = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.



Creates a vertically scrolling pane. Useful as a list box.

Scroll panes create a complex UI subtree, with a container for child elements. create* methods automatically place new elements in this container, not as a direct child of the scroll pane. The container element can be accessed with the getContentElement() method. It should be used when iterating or clearing the scroll pane contents.

Scroll pane specific properties can be accessed through the widget property. The widget type for scroll panes is tes3uiScrollPane.

local result = myObject:createVerticalScrollPane({ id = ... })


  • params (table): Optional.
    • id (string, number): Optional. An identifier to help find this element later.


Example: Sorting the child elements in a scroll pane
local myMenu -- Created before
---@cast myMenu tes3uiElement

local pane = myMenu:createVerticalScrollPane{ id = "sortedPane" }
pane:createButton{ text = "V" }
pane:createButton{ text = "S" }
pane:createButton{ text = "B" }
pane:getContentElement():sortChildren(function(a, b)
    return a.text < b.text


Deletes an element and all its child elements. If any element is bound to text input by tes3ui.acquireTextInput, the input is automatically released.



Deletes all the child elements of this element. If any element is bound to text input by tes3ui.acquireTextInput, the input is automatically released.

Some widgets like ScrollPanes are built of multiple layers of elements. When an element is created in a complex widget, it is automatically placed as a child of a content element. When clearing a widget's children, you should use element:getContentElement():destroyChildren().



Finds a child element matching the id argument. Searches children recursively. Returns the first child element with a matching id, or nil if no match found.

local result = myObject:findChild(id)


  • id (string, number): The id to search for.



Forwards an event to the original Morrowind event handler, using this element as a source. This may be optionally called at any point in a callback. Note that handler may or may not destroy the event widget or the menu, so you should know how it behaves before accessing any elements after a callback.




Returns the descendant element that creation functions used on this element will place children into, or the calling element if there is no specific descendant for children.

Some widgets like ScrollPanes are built of multiple layers of elements. When an element is created in a complex widget, it is automatically placed as a child of a content element, but other functions do not access this content element directly. This function finds this content container for any element, so that changing layout and accessing children is possible. For simple elements, the calling element will be returned so that there is always a valid container element.

local result = myObject:getContentElement()



Gets an arbitrary lua value from the UI element. Each element has the capability to store keyed lua data, as if it were a table, using this function and setLuaData.

local result = myObject:getLuaData(key)


  • key (string): The key for the lua data.


  • result (any)


Properties are extra variables attached to an element. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI, and they can be useful for element class-specific properties. This function gets a property as a boolean value, defaulting to false if the property was not set.

local value = myObject:getPropertyBool(property)


  • property (number, string): The property to get.


  • value (boolean): The value of the property, defaulting to false if the property was not set.


Properties are extra variables attached to an element. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI, and they can be useful for element class-specific properties. This function gets a property as a number value, defaulting to 0 if the property was not set. This function can be dangerous to use, and can lead to crashes if not properly understood.

local value = myObject:getPropertyCallback(property)


  • property (number, string): The property to get.


  • value (number): The value of the property, defaulting to 0 if the property was not set.


Properties are extra variables attached to an element. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI, and they can be useful for element class-specific properties. This function gets a property as a floating-point value, defaulting to 0 if the property was not set.

local value = myObject:getPropertyFloat(property)


  • property (number, string): The property to get.


  • value (number): The value of the property, defaulting to 0 if the property was not set.


Properties are extra variables attached to an element. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI, and they can be useful for element class-specific properties. This function gets a property as an integer value, defaulting to 0 if the property was not set.

local value = myObject:getPropertyInt(property)


  • property (number, string): The property to get.


  • value (integer): The value of the property, defaulting to 0 if the property was not set.


Properties are extra variables attached to an element. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI, and they can be useful for element class-specific properties. This function gets a property as an object value, defaulting to nil if the property was not set. This function can be dangerous to use, and can lead to crashes if not properly understood.

local object = myObject:getPropertyObject(property, typeCast)


  • property (number, string): The property to get.
  • typeCast (string, nil): Default: "tes3baseObject". The casting of the property to get.


  • object (any): The value of the property, defaulting to nil if the property was not set.


Properties are extra variables attached to an element. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI, and they can be useful for element class-specific properties. This function gets a property whose value is, itself, a property, defaulting to 0 if the property was not set.

local value = myObject:getPropertyProperty(property)


  • property (number, string): The property to get.


  • value (number): The value of the property, defaulting to 0 if the property was not set.


Finds the parent menu containing the element. Useful for finding the correct menu to run layout updates on.

local result = myObject:getTopLevelMenu()



Restores the menu's position and size information from the Morrowind.ini file. This may only be called on top-level parents.

local success = myObject:loadMenuPosition()


  • success (boolean): True if the menu was restored.


Copies this element to a new parent, then destroys this element. This function can have unintended consequences. The specifics of what exact elements are being copied is important.

local copy = myObject:move({ to = ... })




Sets an event handler, which can add or override an existing event handler. The use of registerBefore or registerAfter is recommended if you do not want to replace the existing event handler. The eventID can be a standard event name, or an event specific to an element class. These can be accessed through tes3.uiEvent for convenience. The callback receives an argument with the event data. See below for details.

The original Morrowind callback is captured and can be invoked with the forwardEvent method on the event argument. If there is an existing Lua callback, it is replaced.

Standard events:

  • mouseLeave Mouse cursor moving outside an element. Triggers once.
  • mouseOver Mouse cursor moving over an element. Triggers once.
  • mouseDown Left mouse button down over an element.
  • mouseClick Left mouse button up over an element, after a mouseDown over the element.
  • mouseScrollUp Mouse wheel scrolling.
  • mouseScrollDown Mouse wheel scrolling.
  • mouseDoubleClick Standard double-click.
  • mouseStillIdle Mouse cursor positioned outside an element. Triggers every frame.
  • mouseStillOver Mouse cursor positioned over an element. Triggers every frame.
  • mouseStillPressed Mouse cursor positioned over an element, after a mouseDown over the element. Triggers every frame.
  • mouseStillPressedOutside Apparently not working in the engine. Mouse cursor positioned outside an element, after a mouseDown over the element. Triggers every frame.
  • mouseRelease Left mouse button up over an element.
  • keyPress A raw key press.
  • keyEnter The Return key is pressed.
  • help On mouseover, but also marking the element as having a tooltip. Create a tooltip within the callback using the tes3ui.createTooltipMenu function.
  • focus When a menu is clicked on, and moved on top of other menus.
  • unfocus Just before another menu is clicked on, or a widget in that menu receives an event, or when the menu mode is toggled off. You may return false from this event to prevent the menu from being deselected, and to prevent leaving menu mode.
  • preUpdate Before the menu layout is updated.
  • update After the menu layout is updated.
  • destroy When the UI element is destroyed, before any data or children are destroyed.

Widget-specific events:

  • Slider:
    • PartScrollBar_changed Triggers on value change; moving the slider is not enough if the value is the same.
  • Cycle Button:
    • valueChanged Triggers after the selected index has been changed.
  • Text Input:
    • textCleared Triggers after the text has been cleared by the user in text input widgets that have placeholderText set.
    • textUpdated Triggers after the text of the text input has changed.

Event forwarding⚓︎

The original Morrowind event handler is saved when you first register an event. It may be optionally invoked with the forwardEvent method. Note that handler may or may not destroy the event widget or the menu, so you should know how it behaves before accessing any elements after a callback.


---@param e tes3uiEventData
---@return boolean? block
local function onClick(e)
    -- pre-event code
    -- post-event code

local button = menu:findChild("MenuExample_Ok")
button:register(tes3.uiEvent.mouseClick, onClick)

Event handler⚓︎

The standard type signature for the event handler function:

eventHandler (fun(e: tes3uiEventData): boolean?) Returning false may cancel an interaction for certain events. e.g. unfocus.


  • source (tes3uiElement) The source element of the event.
  • forwardSource (tes3uiElement) No description yet available.
  • id (number) The numeric id of the event type.
  • widget (tes3uiElement) The widget element that the source belongs to, if the element is a sub-part of a widget. May not be accurate if the element is not a sub-part.
  • data0 (number) Event-specific raw data values. For mouse events, these are the screen X and Y coordinates of the pointer. For keyboard events, data0 is the scancode.
  • data1 (number) See data0 description.
  • relativeX (number) For mouse events only. X and Y coordinates of the pointer relative to the top-left of the element.
  • relativeY (number) See relativeX description.


When a UI element is destroyed, you don't have to manually unregister your custom event handlers. The engine does it automatically.

myObject:register(eventID, callback)


  • eventID (tes3.uiEvent): The UI event id. Maps to values in tes3.uiEvent.
  • callback (integer, fun(e: tes3uiEventData): boolean?): The callback function. Returning false from this function may cancel an interaction for certain events, such as unfocus.


Sets an event handler to run after any existing event handler on the element. Can be any event usable with register. The callback receives an argument with the event data. See register for details.

myObject:registerAfter(eventID, callback, priority)


  • eventID (tes3.uiEvent): The event id. Maps to values in tes3.uiEvent.
  • callback (integer, fun(e: tes3uiEventData): boolean?): The callback function.
  • priority (integer): Default: 0. The priority of the event, relative to other register-aftered events.


Sets an event handler to run before any existing event handler on the element. Can be any event usable with register. The callback receives an argument with the event data. See register for details.

myObject:registerBefore(eventID, callback, priority)


  • eventID (tes3.uiEvent): The event id. Maps to values in tes3.uiEvent.
  • callback (integer, fun(e: tes3uiEventData): boolean?): The callback function.
  • priority (integer): Default: 0. The priority of the event, relative to other register-befored events.


Moves the layout order of the children of this element. count elements are taken from starting child Element or index (0-based) moveFrom, and moved before the child Element or index (0-based) insertBefore. If count is -1, all children after moveFrom are moved. If any index is a negative number, then the index represents a distance from the end of the child list.

Returns true if the operation succeeded, or false if at least one argument was invalid.

local result = myObject:reorderChildren(insertBefore, moveFrom, count)


  • insertBefore (tes3uiElement, number): The insertion point (or its 0-based child index).
  • moveFrom (tes3uiElement, number): The first child (or 0-based child index) to be moved.
  • count (number): The number of child elements to move.


  • result (boolean)


Saves the menu's position and size information to the Morrowind.ini file. This may only be called on top-level parents. Note that most menus save their position automatically.



Sets an arbitrary lua value for the UI element. Each element has the capability to store keyed lua data, as if it were a table, using this function and getLuaData.

myObject:setLuaData(key, value)


  • key (string): The key for the lua data.
  • value (any): The value to set.


Properties are extra variables attached to an element. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI, and they can be useful for element class-specific properties. This function sets a property to a boolean value.

myObject:setPropertyBool(property, value)


  • property (number, string): The property to set.
  • value (boolean): The value to set.
Example: Make a UI element update its transparency based on the Menu Transparency setting.

This will automatically update the menu's transparency recursively. A requirement is that the menu background is of "rect" contentType.

--- A menu created before
---@type tes3uiElement
local menu

menu:setPropertyBool("use_global_alpha", true)


Properties are extra variables attached to an element. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI, and they can be useful for element class-specific properties. This function sets a property to a callback value, represented as a number. This function can be dangerous to use, and can lead to crashes if not properly understood.

myObject:setPropertyCallback(property, value)


  • property (number, string): The property to set.
  • value (number): The value to set.


Properties are extra variables attached to an element. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI, and they can be useful for element class-specific properties. This function sets a property to a floating-point value.

myObject:setPropertyFloat(property, value)


  • property (number, string): The property to set.
  • value (number): The value to set.


Properties are extra variables attached to an element. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI, and they can be useful for element class-specific properties. This function sets a property to an integer value.

myObject:setPropertyInt(property, value)


  • property (number, string): The property to set.
  • value (number): The value to set.


Sets a property value with prop as the property key. Properties are named variables attached to an element. Gets a property value with propName as the property key. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI. Useful for element class-specific properties.

myObject:setPropertyObject(property, value)


  • property (number, string): The property to get.
  • value (any): The value to set.


Properties are named variables attached to an element. Sets a property value with property as the property key. Morrowind uses these to bind variables to the UI. Useful for element class-specific properties. This function sets a property whose value is, itself, a property.

myObject:setPropertyProperty(property, value)


  • property (number, string): The property to get.
  • value (number, string): The value to set.


Reorders the element's children given a sorting function.



  • sortFunction (fun(a: tes3uiElement, b: tes3uiElement): boolean): The function to sort with. Like most sorting functions, this is given two arguments to compare.


Triggers a UI event on an element, either using supplied event data, or by constructing new event data using eventName. eventName is the same as used in register.




Unregisters an event handler.

local wasUnregistered = myObject:unregister(eventID)



  • wasUnregistered (boolean)


Unregisters a function previously registered using :registerAfter.

local wasUnregistered = myObject:unregisterAfter(eventID, callback)



  • wasUnregistered (boolean)


Unregisters a function previously registered using :registerBefore.

local wasUnregistered = myObject:unregisterBefore(eventID, callback)



  • wasUnregistered (boolean)


Updates a menu's element layout and all child elements. Needs to be called on a top level menu when any elements contained in it are added, moved or resized. e.g. menu:updateLayout() or element:getTopLevelMenu():updateLayout()
