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Magic Effects, Modded⚓︎

These effects build off of the standard magic effects. If you would like to add your effect to the list, consider editing this page online, and submitting your change as a pull request. Alternatively, create an issue to list the information that needs to be added.


When registering a new effect ID, both the index and the value must be unique! Two mods cannot use the same magic effect id of 420, nor can they both have the index of tes3.effect.summonCreeper.


These values are potentially available in Lua by their index in the tes3.effect table. For example, tes3.effect.detectDaedra has a value of 336, but only if the Enhanced Detection mod is installed.

Index Value Mod
banishDaedra 220 Magicka Expanded
summonGoblinGrunt 223 Magicka Expanded
summonGoblinOfficer 224 Magicka Expanded
summonHulkingFabricant 225 Magicka Expanded
summonAscendedSleeper 226 Magicka Expanded
summonDraugr 227 Magicka Expanded
summonLich 228 Magicka Expanded
boundClaymore 229 Magicka Expanded
boundClub 230 Magicka Expanded
boundDaiKatana 231 Magicka Expanded
boundKatana 232 Magicka Expanded
boundShortSword 233 Magicka Expanded
boundStaff 234 Magicka Expanded
boundTanto 235 Magicka Expanded
boundWakizashi 236 Magicka Expanded
boundWarAxe 237 Magicka Expanded
boundWarhammer 238 Magicka Expanded
boundGreaves 239 Magicka Expanded
boundLeftPauldron 240 Magicka Expanded
teleportToAldRuhn 241 Magicka Expanded
teleportToBalmora 242 Magicka Expanded
teleportToEbonheart 243 Magicka Expanded
teleportToVivec 244 Magicka Expanded
teleportToCaldera 245 Magicka Expanded
teleportToGnisis 246 Magicka Expanded
teleportToMaarGan 247 Magicka Expanded
teleportToMolagMar 248 Magicka Expanded
teleportToPelagiad 249 Magicka Expanded
teleportToSuran 250 Magicka Expanded
teleportToTelMora 251 Magicka Expanded
summonOgrim 252 Magicka Expanded
summonWarDurzog 253 Magicka Expanded
summonSpriggan 254 Magicka Expanded
summonCenturionSteam 255 Magicka Expanded
summonCenturionProjectile 256 Magicka Expanded
summonAshGhoul 257 Magicka Expanded
summonAshZombie 258 Magicka Expanded
summonAshSlave 259 Magicka Expanded
summonCenturionSpider 260 Magicka Expanded
summonImperfect 261 Magicka Expanded
summonGoblinWarchief 262 Magicka Expanded
darkness 263 Magicka Expanded
boundRightPauldron 264 Magicka Expanded
teleportToAstralPocket 265 The Astral Pocket
chrysopoeia 266 Chrysopoeia
summonArmorCent 267 Magicka Expanded
summonArmorCentChamp 268 Magicka Expanded
summonDraugrHsCrl 269 Magicka Expanded
summonDraugrLord 270 Magicka Expanded
summonDridrea 271 Magicka Expanded
summonDridreaMonarch 272 Magicka Expanded
summonFrostLich 273 Magicka Expanded
summonGiant 274 Magicka Expanded
summonGoblinShaman 275 Magicka Expanded
summonGreaterLich 276 Magicka Expanded
summonLamia 277 Magicka Expanded
summonMammoth 278 Magicka Expanded
summonMinotaur 279 Magicka Expanded
summonMudGolem 280 Magicka Expanded
summonParastylus 281 Magicka Expanded
summonPlainStrider 282 Magicka Expanded
summonRaki 283 Magicka Expanded
callSabreCat 284 Magicka Expanded
summonSiltStrider 285 Magicka Expanded
summonSload 286 Magicka Expanded
summonSwampTroll 287 Magicka Expanded
summonWelkyndSpirit 288 Magicka Expanded
callWereboar 289 Magicka Expanded
summonVelk 290 Magicka Expanded
summonVermai 291 Magicka Expanded
summonTrebataur 292 Magicka Expanded
teleportToAkamora 293 Magicka Expanded
teleportToFirewatch 294 Magicka Expanded
teleportToHelnim 295 Magicka Expanded
teleportToNecrom 296 Magicka Expanded
teleportToOldEbonheart 297 Magicka Expanded
teleportToPortTelvannis 298 Magicka Expanded
teleportToAltBosara 299 Magicka Expanded
teleportToBalOrya 300 Magicka Expanded
teleportToGahSadrith 301 Magicka Expanded
teleportToGorne 302 Magicka Expanded
teleportToLlothanis 303 Magicka Expanded
teleportToMarog 304 Magicka Expanded
teleportToMeralag 305 Magicka Expanded
teleportToTelAranyon 306 Magicka Expanded
teleportToTelMothrivra 307 Magicka Expanded
teleportToTelMuthada 308 Magicka Expanded
teleportToTelOuada 309 Magicka Expanded
teleportToMournhold 310 Magicka Expanded
weatherBlizzard 312 Magicka Expanded
weatherSnow 313 Magicka Expanded
weatherThunderstorm 314 Magicka Expanded
weatherAsh 315 Magicka Expanded
weatherBlight 316 Magicka Expanded
weatherClear 317 Magicka Expanded
weatherCloudy 318 Magicka Expanded
weatherFoggy 319 Magicka Expanded
weatherOvercast 320 Magicka Expanded
weatherRain 321 Magicka Expanded
thunderbolt 323 Magicka Expanded
iceBarrage 324 Magicka Expanded
blink 325 Magicka Expanded
callWerewolf 326 Magicka Expanded
summonAlfiq 327 Magicka Expanded
clone 328 Magicka Expanded
cloneSource 329 Magicka Expanded
mindScan 330 Magicka Expanded
mindRip 331 Magicka Expanded
soulScrye 332 Magicka Expanded
coalesce 333 Magicka Expanded
entomb 334 Magicka Expanded
permutation 335 Magicka Expanded
detectDaedra 336 Enhanced Detection
detectAutomaton 337 Enhanced Detection
detectHumanoid 338 Enhanced Detection
detectDead 339 Enhanced Detection
detectUndead 340 Enhanced Detection
detectDoor 341 Enhanced Detection
detectTrap 342 Enhanced Detection
343 Hircine's Maze
magelight 344 MM - Enhanced Light
detectAnimalLand 345 Enhanced Detection
detectAnimalUnderwater 346 Enhanced Detection
dispelLevitate 400 Deeper Dagoth Ur
dispelLevitateJavelin 401 Deeper Dagoth Ur
slowTime 402 Fortified Molag Mar
annihilate 403 Fortified Molag Mar
firesOfOblivion 404 Fortified Molag Mar
spawnChair 405 Fortified Molag Mar
summonCreeper 420 Summon Creeper
float 424 3E 427 A Space Odyssey
fargothIntervention 424 Fargoth Intervention
daedricIntervention 425 Daedric Intervention Spell
callIncarnate 426 Call Incarnate
summonDarkSeducer 427 OAAB Integrations
boundLeggings 429 Bound Leggings for Beasts
summonAncestorGuardianPlayer 430 Power Fantasy
summonAncestorGuardianNPC 431 Power Fantasy
teleport 500 4NM_Magic
recharge 501 4NM_Magic
repairWeapon 502 4NM_Magic
lightTarget 504 4NM_Magic
projectileControl 506 4NM_Magic
kineticShield 508 4NM_Magic
timeShift 510 4NM_Magic
chargeFire 511 4NM_Magic
chargeShock 513 4NM_Magic
chargeVitality 515 4NM_Magic
auraFire 516 4NM_Magic
auraShock 518 4NM_Magic
auraVitality 520 4NM_Magic
aoeFire 521 4NM_Magic
aoeShock 523 4NM_Magic
aoeVitality 525 4NM_Magic
runeFire 526 4NM_Magic
runeShock 528 4NM_Magic
runeVitality 530 4NM_Magic
prokFire 531 4NM_Magic
prokShock 533 4NM_Magic
prokVitality 535 4NM_Magic
shotgunFire 536 4NM_Magic
shotgunShock 538 4NM_Magic
shotgunVitality 540 4NM_Magic
dischargeFire 541 4NM_Magic
dischargeShock 543 4NM_Magic
dischargeVitality 545 4NM_Magic
rayFire 546 4NM_Magic
rayShock 548 4NM_Magic
rayVitality 550 4NM_Magic
totemFire 551 4NM_Magic
totemShock 553 4NM_Magic
totemVitality 555 4NM_Magic
empowerFire 556 4NM_Magic
empowerShock 558 4NM_Magic
empowerVitality 560 4NM_Magic
reflectFire 561 4NM_Magic
reflectShock 563 4NM_Magic
reflectVitality 565 4NM_Magic
dash 600 4NM_Magic
multiMark 601 Customizable MWSE Multi Mark and Harder Recall
kineticStrike 602 4NM_Magic
multiRecall 602 Customizable MWSE Multi Mark and Harder Recall
bolt 610 Throw It
multiMark 701 4NM - Total Gameplay Overhaul
pocket 701 Extradimensional Pockets
multiRecall 702 4NM - Total Gameplay Overhaul
boundarrow 704 Bound Ammo
boundbolt 705 Bound Ammo (JosephMcKean Edit)
boundcrossbow 706 Bound Ammo (JosephMcKean Edit)
animatedWeapon 711 Animate Weapon Spell
enchantDrain 786 Enchant Drain
soulRelease 787 Obedient Summons
fortifyStrength 790 Class Starting Spells
fortifyIntelligence 791 Class Starting Spells
fortifyAgility 793 Class Starting Spells
fortifyPersonality 796 Class Starting Spells
healthLeech 900 Leech Effects
magickaLeech 901 Leech Effects
fatigueLeech 902 Leech Effects
forbidSleep 1201 Vaermina's Quest - Dreams of the Escaped
summonCorruptedDouble 1202 Vaermina's Quest - Dreams of the Escaped
summonCorruptedDoublePotion 1203 Vaermina's Quest - Dreams of the Escaped
storeSoul 3300 Summon Souls
summonSoul1 3301 Summon Souls
summonSoul2 3302 Summon Souls
summonSoul3 3303 Summon Souls
summonSoul4 3304 Summon Souls
summonSoul5 3305 Summon Souls
summonSoul6 3306 Summon Souls
summonSoul7 3307 Summon Souls
summonSoul8 3308 Summon Souls
summonAshGolem 7700 Atronach Expansion
summonBoneGolem 7701 Atronach Expansion
summonCrystalGolem 7702 Atronach Expansion
summonFleshAtronach 7703 Atronach Expansion
summonIronGolem 7704 Atronach Expansion
summonSwampMyconid 7705 Atronach Expansion
summonTelvanniMyconid 7706 Atronach Expansion
sanguineRose 7770 The Sanguine Rose
flawedSummonDaedroth 7800 OOAB Grazelands
ss20SoulManipulation 8113 Pimp My Shrine - The Daedric Legend of Vernaccus
ss20ManipulateSouls 8114 Pimp My Shrine - The Daedric Legend of Vernaccus
selfRepair 8500 DRIP - Dynamic Randomised Item Properties
identify 9599 Unidentified Items (JosephMcKean Edit)
npcSoulTrap 10000 Seph's NPC Soul Trapping