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Texturing Property Filter Modes⚓︎


These values are available in Lua by their index in the ni.texturingPropertyFilterMode table. For example, ni.texturingPropertyFilterMode.bilerpMipNearest has a value of 5.

Index Value Description
nearest 0 Uses nearest neighbor, with no mipmapping. The most common reason to use nearest neighbor filtering is to achieve a "blocky" effect.
bilerp 1 Uses bilinear interpolation with no mipmapping. It linearly interpolates between the four texels that enclose the texture coordinate. It causes the texture to look blurry.
trilerp 2 Uses bilinear interpolation on each of the two nearest mipmap levels, then performs linear mipmap interpolation between the results.
nearestMipNearest 3 Uses "nearest level mipmapping", then uses nearest neighbor on the result.
nearestMipLerp 4 Uses nearest neighbor on each of the two nearest mipmap levels and then performs linear mipmap interpolation between the results.
bilerpMipNearest 5 Uses "nearest level mipmapping", then uses "bilinear interpolation" on the result.