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The equip event fires when an actor is about to equip an item, i.e. just before the item is equipped. This event allows scripts to block equipping. See equipped for the post-equip event.

The item must not be removed from the inventory during this event, as the item and item data is still being referenced by the initiator of the equip action. If you want to consume the item, block the equip and remove it at a later time. Removing the item during this event can cause inventory desync bugs.

--- @param e equipEventData
local function equipCallback(e)
event.register(tes3.event.equip, equipCallback)


This event can be filtered based on the item event data.


This event supports blocking by setting e.block to true or returning false. Blocking the event prevents vanilla behavior from happening. For example, blocking an equip event prevents the item from being equipped.


An event can be claimed by setting e.claim to true, or by returning false from the callback. Claiming the event prevents any lower priority callbacks from being called.

Event Data⚓︎

  • item (tes3item): Read-only. The object being equipped.
  • itemData (tes3itemData): Read-only. The item data of item.
  • reference (tes3reference): Read-only. The reference to the mobile actor that is equipping the item.
