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Iteration Functions⚓︎


The MWSE-mwscript API is deprecated. The documentation found here is for legacy purposes only. None of the following functions can be used directly from Lua.



  • long node: For the first call, this should be 0 to get the first item. In following iterations, this value will be what is returned as nextNode from the previous call.


  • string id: The object ID string of the item.
  • long count: How many items are in the item stack.
  • long type: The Object Type of the item.
  • long value: The value of the item.
  • float weight: The weight of the item. (Always 0.000001 for LEVI objects.)
  • string name: The name of the item.
  • long nextNode: The next node to provide back into this function to continue looping. When this value is 0, there are no more items.

This function allows a script to iterate through the inventory of an actor or container and retrieve information about the contents found. Unlike the xInventory and xNextStack functions, xContentList also provides access to the type, value, weight, and name of items processed.

If you are only interested in items of specific types, consider using xContentListFiltered instead. If you are only interested in items currently equipped by the actor, consider using xEquipmentList.



  • long node: For the first call, this should be 0 to get the first item. In following iterations, this value will be what is returned as nextNode from the previous call.
  • long filter: A filter that matches the Filter Mask that is desired. Only items matching the type(s) will be returned. This means that passing a value of 0 will return nothing.


  • string id: The id string of the item.
  • long count: How many items are in the item stack.
  • long type: The Object Type of the item.
  • long value: The value of the item.
  • float weight: The weight of the item.
  • string name: The name of the item.
  • long nextNode: The next node to provide back into this function to continue looping. When this value is 0, there are no more items.

This function behaves similar to xContentList, with the added convenience of filtering for one or more Object Type.

If you are trying to specifically get the equipped items of an actor, consider using xEquipmentList.

Filter Mask⚓︎

The filter mask below is meant to be summed for each Object Type desired in the filter. The exception to this rule is the ENCH filter, which restricts the results to enchanted items.

For example, if you wanted clothing (128) and armor (16) results, you would pass a value of 144 (128+16).

Type Mask
CLOT 128
CONT 256
CREA 512
DOOR 1024
INGR 2048
LEVC 4096
LEVI 8192
LIGH 16384
LOCK 32768
MISC 65536
NPC 131072
PROB 262144
REPA 524288
STAT 1048576
WEAP 2097152
ENCH 4194304
Simple Filtered Loop

This example demonstrates how to loop through all potions the player is carrying.

begin Example_xContentListFiltered

long id
long count
long type
long value
float weight
long name

long next
long filter

long ref
long loop

setx ref to xGetRef "player"

set filter to 2 ; ALCH

set loop to 1
whilex ( loop )
    setx id count type value weight name next to ref->xContentListFiltered next filter

    xLogMessage "id: %s" id
    xLogMessage "    count: %d" count
    xLogMessage "    type: %l" type
    xLogMessage "    value: %d" value
    xLogMessage "    weight: %.2f" weight
    xLogMessage "    name: %s" name
    xLogMessage "    next: %d" next

    set loop to next

StopScript Example_xContentListFiltered

Transfer Ingredients

This example shows how to efficiently transfer all ingredients and potions from the player to another container. A placeholder variable, such as "_", can be used to ignore return values that are not needed for your script.

begin TransferIngreds

long _
long id
long count

long src
long dst

setx src to xGetRef "player"
setx dst to xGetRef "ingred_storage"

set count to 1
whilex ( count )
    ; get the next ingred and count
    setx id count _ _ _ _ _ to src->xContentListFiltered _ 2050 ; INGR + ALCH

    ; remove the ingred from source
    src->xRemoveItem id count

    ; add the ingred to destination
    dst->xAddItem id count

    ; continue with next ingredient
    set count to _

src->PlaySound3D "Item Ingredient Down"

StopScript TransferIngreds

Get first item of a specific type.

This example shows how to efficiently check if the player is carrying any weapons at all. No explicit loop is needed here, so evaluating the weapon id alone will suffice.

begin NoWeaponsAllowed

; local script on a door

long pcRef
long weapID

if ( OnActivate == 0 )

setx pcRef to xGetRef "player"
setx weapID to pcRef->xContentListFiltered 0 2097152 ; Weapon

if ( weapID != 0 )
    MessageBox "No weapons are allowed inside the royal chamber!"
    PlaySound3D "Door Heavy Close"





  • long node: For the first call, this should be 0 to get the first equipped item. In following iterations, this value will be what is returned as nextNode from the previous call.
  • long typeFilter: A type filter that matches the Object Type that is desired. Only equipped items matching that type will be returned. A value of 0 will perform no type filtering.
  • long subTypeFilter: An optional subtype filter, allowing the loop to search for a specific Armor Type, Clothing Type or Weapon Type. The value passed must be one higher than the value on the linked table. A value of 0 will perform no subtype filtering.


  • string id: The id string of the equipped item.
  • long count: This value will always be 1. Future version of MWSE may expand this to return the actual item count for arrows, bolts, and thrown weapons.
  • long type: The Object Type of the equipped item.
  • long subtype: The Armor Type, Clothing Type or Weapon Type of the equipped item, or 0 if it is not an armor, clothing, or weapon object. Note that the value returned is one higher than the value on the given table.
  • long value: The value of the equipped item.
  • float weight: The weight of the equipped item.
  • string name: The name of the equipped item.
  • string enchantId: The enchantment id of the equipped item. This can be fed to enchantment related functions that take an id.
  • long nextNode: The next node to provide back into this function to continue looping. When this value is 0, there are no more equipped items.

This function behaves similar to xContentList/xContentListFiltered, returning inventory information. This allows looping over equipped items instead of all items in the target's inventory.


The subTypeFilter parameter does not exactly match the associated table. Instead, the function requires one more than the value on the table. For example if searching for clothing objects, a value of 0 will perform no filtering by subtype, while a value of 1 will filter for only pants.


At present this function is the only way to reliably get the equipment a reference has currently worn. Using the typeFilter and subTypeFilter the script can quickly query to see if, for example, the player is wearing pants.

Simple Equipment Loop

This example demonstrates how to do a simple loop through all equipped items (on the player in this instance).

Begin loopEquippedItems

long id
long count
long type
long subtype
long value
long weight
long name
long enchantId
long node

long loop

long ref

setx ref to xGetRef "player"

set loop to 1
whilex ( loop )
    setx id count type subtype value weight name enchantId node to ref->xEquipmentList node 0 0

    ; Code to be run for each looped item.

    set loop to node

Get Equipped Weapon's Enchantment

This example shows how to get the enchantment objectId for the currently equipped weapon. Looping isn't required as the player can never have more than one equipped weapon.

begin GetPlayerWeaponInfo

long ref

long id
long count
long type
long subtype
long value
long weight
long name
long ench
long node

; get the player reference
setx ref to xGetRef "player"

; get info about his weapon
setx id count type subtype value weight name ench node to ref->xEquipmentList 0 1346454871 0

ifx ( name )
    xMessageFix "Weapon: %s" name
    MessageBox "Weapon: ________________________________"

ifx ( ench )
    xMessageFix "Enchantment: %s" ench
    MessageBox "Enchantment: ________________________________"




  • None


  • long reference: The first reference in the current cell's "Item" list.

xFirstItem returns the first reference in the current cell's "Item" list. Despite the name of this function, the associated list can contain references of any Object Type other than those exclusive to xFirstNPC. Once acquired, the reference can be used with various other MWSE functions, such as xRefID and xRefType. Passing the reference as the argument to the xNextRef function will return the next reference in its associated list.


Scripts that intend to process all references in the loaded cells will need to independently handle the separate lists provided by xFirstItem, xFirstStatic, and xFirstNPC.



  • None


  • long reference: The first reference in the current cell's "NPC" list.

xFirstNPC returns the first reference in the current cell's "NPC" list. Once acquired, the reference can be used with various other MWSE functions, such as xRefID and xRefType. Passing the reference as the argument to the xNextRef function will return the next reference in its associated list.


Scripts that intend to process all references in the loaded cells will need to independently handle the separate lists provided by xFirstItem, xFirstStatic, and xFirstNPC.



  • None


  • long reference: The first reference in the current cell's "Static" list.

xFirstStatic returns the first reference in the current cell's "Static" list. Despite the name of this function, the associated list can contain references of any Object Type other than those exclusive to xFirstNPC. Once acquired, the reference can be used with various other MWSE functions, such as xRefID and xRefType. Passing the reference as the argument to the xNextRef function will return the next reference in its associated list.


Scripts that intend to process all references in the loaded cells will need to independently handle the separate lists provided by xFirstItem, xFirstStatic, and xFirstNPC.



  • None


  • string objectID: The object ID of the item.
  • long count: The number of items in the stack.
  • node nextStack: A handle to the next stack in the inventory. This is 0 when no more items are in the inventory.

Returns the objectID and count of an item in the target's inventory. The nextStack can be fed into xNextStack to continue iteration.


This function is limited. Consider using xContentList, xContentListFiltered or xEquipmentList instead.



  • long reference: A valid reference. See xFirstItem, xFirstNPC, xFirstStatic.


  • long nextReference: The next reference in the given reference's associated list.

xNextRef returns the next reference in the supplied reference's associated list.



  • node stack: The result from a previous xInventory or xNextStack call.


  • string objectID: The object ID of the item.
  • long count: The number of items in the stack.
  • node nextStack: A handle to the next stack in the inventory. This is 0 when no more items are in the inventory.

Returns the objectID and count of an item in the target's inventory. The nextStack can be fed into xNextStack to continue iteration.


This function is limited. Consider using xContentList, xContentListFiltered or xEquipmentList instead.



  • long node: For the first call, this should be 0 to get the first spell. In following iterations, this value will be what is returned as nextNode from the previous call.


  • long totalSpells : Total number of spells the caller knows.
  • long spellId : The spell ID.
  • long name : The spell name.
  • long type : The spell type. (0 = spell, 1 = ability, 2 = blight, 3 = disease, 4 = curse, 5 = power)
  • long cost : The spell cost.
  • long effects : The spell's number of effects (1 to 8).
  • long flags : The spell flags. (1 = autocalc, 2 = PC start, 4 = always succeeds)
  • long nextNode : The next node to supply to function to continue looping. When this value is 0, there are no more items.

This function allows a script to iterate through the spell list of an actor and retrieve information about the spells found. Currently this function does not work on creatures.