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Provides a regular expression style syntax for pattern usage with lpeg.

The documentation provided here is only meant to be a quick reference. Please review the complete documentation (with in-depth discussion and many examples) at:

There is also a copy in the MWSE repo at: deps/lpeg/re.html



Compiles the given string and returns an equivalent lpeg pattern.

The given string may define either an expression or a grammar. The optional defs table provides extra Lua values to be used by the pattern.

local result = re.compile(s, defs)


  • s (string): The string to compile.
  • defs (table): Optional. Extra lua values to be used by the pattern.



Searches the given pattern in the given subject.

If it finds a match, returns the index where this occurrence starts and the index where it ends. Otherwise, returns nil.

An optional numeric argument init makes the search starts at that position in the subject string. As usual in Lua libraries, a negative value counts from the end.

local result = re.find(subject, pattern, init)


  • subject (string): The string to search.
  • pattern (string): The pattern to search with.
  • init (number): Optional. Start at this position in the subject string.


  • result (number)
Example: Simple Find

Use re.find to get the position of the first numeral in a string.

local re = require("re")

local function onLoaded(e)

    -- find the position of the first numeral in a string
    mwse.log("%d %d", re.find("the number 423 is odd", "[0-9]+"))  --> 12 14


event.register(tes3.event.loaded, onLoaded)


Does a global substitution, replacing all occurrences of pattern in the given subject by replacement.

local result = re.gsub(subject, pattern, replacement)


  • subject (string): The string to search.
  • pattern (string): The pattern to search with.
  • replacement (string): Replace all matches with this string.


  • result (string)
Example: Simple Substitution

Use re.gsub to replace all vowels in a string with '.'.

local re = require("re")

local function onLoaded(e)

    -- returns a string with all vowels replaced by .
    mwse.log(re.gsub("hello World", "[aeiou]", "."))
    --> h.ll. W.rld


event.register(tes3.event.loaded, onLoaded)


Matches the given pattern against the given subject, returning all captures.

local result = re.match(subject, pattern)


  • subject (string): The string to search.
  • pattern (string): The pattern to search with.


  • result (string)
Example: Simple Match

Use re.match to find all the words in a string, then find the first numeral.

local re = require("re")

local function onLoaded(e)

    -- returns all words in a string
    mwse.log("%s %s %s %s", re.match("the number 423 is odd", "({%a+} / .)*"))
    --> the number  is  odd

    -- returns the first numeral in a string
    mwse.log(re.match("the number 423 is odd", "s <- {%d+} / . s"))
    --> 423


event.register(tes3.event.loaded, onLoaded)


Updates the pre-defined character classes to the current locale.
