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Dialogue Pages⚓︎


These values are available in Lua by their index in the tes3.dialoguePage.voice table. For example, tes3.dialoguePage.voice.hello has a value of 0.

Index Value
hello 0
idle 1
intruder 2
thief 3
hit 4
attack 5
flee 6


These values are available in Lua by their index in the tes3.dialoguePage.greeting table. For example, tes3.dialoguePage.greeting.greeting0 has a value of 0.

Index Value
greeting0 0
greeting1 1
greeting2 2
greeting3 3
greeting4 4
greeting5 5
greeting6 6
greeting7 7
greeting8 8
greeting9 9


These values are available in Lua by their index in the tes3.dialoguePage.service table. For example, tes3.dialoguePage.service.infoRefusal has a value of 0.

Index Value
infoRefusal 0
admireSuccess 1
admireFail 2
initimidateSuccess 3
initimidateFail 4
tauntSuccess 5
tauntFail 6
serviceRefusal 7
bribeSuccess 8
bribeFail 9