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A script context object, which allows variables to be get/set using the variable name.

Example: An example of indexing local script variables inside tes3scriptContext objects

Companions usually have a mwscript script with variable named companion set to 1. This can be used to determine if a reference is player's companion or not.

--- This function returns `true` if the reference
--- has a variable companion set to 1 in its script.
---@param reference tes3reference
---@return boolean
local function hasCompanionShare(reference)

    -- Any local script variable inside `tes3scriptContext`
    -- objects can be read as if it were a normal Lua table
    -- (`reference.context` is of `tes3scriptContext` type)
    local companion = reference.context.companion
    -- or:
    -- local companion = reference.context["companion"]

    -- In addition, local script variables can be accessed from the tes3npc object:
    -- myNpc.script.context.somVarName

    -- To change the variable value, do an assignment:
    -- reference.context.companion = 0

    return (
        companion and
        companion == 1 or



Read-only. This allows indexing a local script variable by it's name. The variable's value can be read or modified this way. There is an example at the top of the page on doing this.


  • result (number, nil)



This method fetches all of the script's variables as a table.

local results = myObject:getVariableData()


Math Operations⚓︎

Length (#)⚓︎

Result type Description
number Returns the total amount of variables in this tes3scriptContext.