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Scan Codes⚓︎


These values are available in Lua by their index in the tes3.scanCode table. For example, has a value of 2.

Index Value Notes
esc 1
escape 1
one 2
exclamationMark 2
bang 2
! 2
1 2
@ 3
at 3
2 3
two 3
hash 4
three 4
# 4
3 4
dollarSign 5
four 5
$ 5
4 5
five 6
5 6
percent 6
hat 7
^ 7
6 7
six 7
caret 7
seven 8
7 8
ampersand 8
& 8
asterisk 9
8 9
eight 9
* 9
9 10
nine 10
openBracket 10
( 10
zero 11
closeBracket 11
) 11
0 11
- 12 On the main keyboard
underscore 12
dash 12
_ 12
plus 13
equals 13
= 13
+ 13
backspace 14
tab 15
q 16
w 17
e 18
r 19
t 20
y 21
u 22
i 23
o 24
p 25
{ 26
openSquareBracket 26
openCurlyBracket 26
[ 26
closeCurlyBracket 27
] 27
} 27
closeSquareBracket 27
return 28
enter 28
leftCtrl 29
lCtrl 29
a 30
s 31
d 32
f 33
g 34
h 35
j 36
k 37
l 38
; 39
colon 39
semicolon 39
: 39
' 40
quoteMark 40
quotationMark 40
singleQuote 40
doubleQuote 40
quote 40
tilde 41
~ 41
backTick 41
lShift 42
leftShift 42
backSlash 43
pipe 43
backslash 43
z 44
x 45
c 46
v 47
b 48
n 49
m 50
comma 51
lessThan 51
< 51
, 51
openPointyBracket 51
fullStop 52
greaterThan 52
. 52 On the main keyboard
period 52
> 52
closePointyBracket 52
questionMark 53
? 53
/ 53 On the main keyboard
forwardSlash 53
rightShift 54
rShift 54
multiply 55 Numpad
lAlt 56
leftAlt 56
space 57
capslock 58
caps 58
F1 59
F2 60
F3 61
F4 62
F5 63
F6 64
F7 65
F8 66
F9 67
F10 68
numLock 69
scrollLock 70
numpad7 71
numpad8 72
numpad9 73
subtract 74 Numpad
numpad4 75
numpad5 76
numpad6 77
add 78 Numpad
numpad1 79
numpad2 80
numpad3 81
numpad0 82
decimal 83 Numpad
F11 87
F12 88
numpadEnter 156
rightCtrl 157
rCtrl 157
divide 181 Numpad
printScreen 183
rAlt 184
rightAlt 184
pause 197
home 199
keyUp 200
pageUp 201
keyLeft 203
keyRight 205
end 207
keyDown 208
pageDown 209
insert 210
delete 211
lWindows 219
leftWindows 219
lSuper 219
leftSuper 219
rWindows 220
rightWindows 220
rSuper 220
rightSuper 220
apps 221
appMenu 221
menu 221