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Stencil Test Functions⚓︎


These values are available in Lua by their index in the ni.stencilTestFunction table. For example, ni.stencilTestFunction.equal has a value of 2.

Index Value Description
never 0 Test will allways return false. Nothing is drawn at all.
less 1 The test will only succeed if the pixel is nearer than the previous pixel.
equal 2 Test will only succeed if the z value of the pixel to be drawn is equal to the value of the previously drawn pixel.
lessEqual 3 Test will succeed if the z value of the pixel to be drawn is smaller than or equal to the value in the Stencil Buffer.
greater 4 The test will only succeed if the pixel is farther than the previous pixel.
notEqual 5 Test will succeed if the z value of the pixel to be drawn is NOT equal to the value of the previously drawn pixel.
greaterEqual 6 Test will succeed if the z value of the pixel to be drawn is bigger than or equal to the value in the Stencil Buffer.
always 7 Test will allways succeed. The Stencil Buffer value is ignored.