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Magic Functions⚓︎


The MWSE-mwscript API is deprecated. The documentation found here is for legacy purposes only. None of the following functions can be used directly from Lua.



  • long objectType: Object Type value for the target's type.
  • string objectID: Object ID of target spell, enchantment, or potion.
  • long effectID: Magic Effect ID that will be added to the target.
  • long skillAttributeID: Skill or Attribute ID to be used. (Only for absorb/damage/drain/fortify/restore effects - ignored otherwise.)
  • long rangeType: New range type. (0 = SELF, 1 = TOUCH, 2 = TARGET)
  • long area: Area of effect.
  • long duration: Duration in seconds.
  • long magMin: Minimum magnitude.
  • long magMax: Maximum magnitude.


  • long success: 1 if the effect was added, or 0 if it wasn't.

Adds a new effect to the given spell, enchantment, or potion.

begin Example_xAddEffect

short result

; Fire Damage (14), On Touch (1), Duration (30), Magnitude (1 to 5)
setx result to xAddEffect 1279610963 "fire bite" 14 0 1 0 30 1 5

if ( result != 0 )
    MessageBox "Your 'Fire Bite' spell has been upgraded!"

StopScript Example_xAddEffect




  • string ID: The object ID of the spell to create.
  • string name: The name of the spell to create.


  • long wasCreated: 1 if the spell was successfully created.

Creates a new spell with all flags cleared, origin set to spellmaker (2) and a single Water Breathing effect and adds it to the master spell list.


This function will fail if ID already exists or if either ID or name are longer than 31 characters.



  • long type: The Object Type to delete an effect from. Must be an alchemy, spell, or enchantment object.
  • string id: The object ID to remove an effect from.
  • long index: The index of the effect to remove. Must be between (inclusive) 1 and 8.


  • long result: 1 if the effect was deleted.

Removes the effect at index from the given spell or enchantment.

Other effects are reordered, e.g. if effect 1 is removed, effect 2 becomes 1, 3 becomes 2, etc.



  • long type: The Object Type to delete an effect from. Must be an alchemy, spell, or enchantment object.
  • string id: The object ID to remove an effect from.
  • long index: The index of the effect to remove. Must be between (inclusive) 1 and 8.


  • long result: 1 if the spell was deleted.

Deletes a spell from the master spell list. It will no longer persist in save games.

Notes: Be very careful using this command. The effect of deleting a spell originating from the CS is undefined. The effect of deleting a spell referenced by other entities (player, npcs, traps, etc.) in undefined. Do not attempt to add a deleted spell with AddSpell. AddSpell will succeed, but leave the game in an indeterminate state. It's not yet clear why this happens, but I hope to fix it in the future.



  • string id: ID of the alchemy item to get information for.


  • long effectCount: The number of effects on the alchemy item, between 1 and 8.
  • long flags: 1 = autocalc, 2 = PC Start, 4 = Always Succeeds

Provides information important to a given alchemy object. Unlike the other related functions, there is no associated ability to set this information. The effects themselves can still be retrieved and modified using xGetEffectInfo and xSetEffectInfo.


Use this function to determine the state of a potion before modifying it with xAddEffect, xDeleteEffect or xSetEffectInfo.

begin Example_xGetAlchemyInfo

long numEffects
long flags

setx numEffects flags to xGetAlchemyInfo "potion_skooma_01"

MessageBox "flags: %g" flags
MessageBox "numEffects: %g" numEffects
MessageBox "potion_skooma_01"




  • long attributeID: The School ID to get the value of.


  • long school: The School of the effect.
  • float baseCost: The base cost of the effect.
  • long flags: The flags of the effect.

Returns the properties of a magic effect.

This function only supports the player and NPCs.



  • long type: The Object Type to get the effect of.
  • string objectID: The Object ID of the object to get the effect of.
  • long index: The effect index to get the info from, from 1 to 8.


  • long effectId: The Effect ID_ of the effect.
  • long skillAttribId: The Attribute or Skill ID associated with the effect, if applicable.
  • long rangeType: 0 = self, 1 = touch, 2 = target
  • long area: Area of effect.
  • long duration: Duration in seconds.
  • long magMin: Minimum magnitude.
  • long magMax: Maximum magnitude.

Returns the properties of an effect on the given alchemy item, spell, or enchantment.

On failure, effectId is set to -1.



  • string objectID: The Object ID of the enchantment.


  • short type: 0 = Cast Once, 1 = Cast When Strikes, 2 = Cast When Used, 3 = Constant
  • short cost: The cost of using the enchantment.
  • long maxCharge: The maximum charge for the enchantment.
  • short numEffects: The number of effects on the enchantment.
  • long autocalc: 0 = off, 1 = on

Returns info about the given enchantId, or 0 if enchantId is invalid.



  • string id: The id of the ingredient to fetch data for.
  • long effectIndex: A value between 1 and 4, matching the effect index desired.


  • long effectType: The Effect Type that the ingredient has at the given effectIndex.
  • long skillAttributeType: The Attribute Type or Skill Type, if the effectType supports one. Otherwise will always be -1.

This function allows scripts to determine the effects of a given ingredient programmatically. Scripts can alter these values as well using xSetIngredientEffect.

begin Example_xGetIngredientEffect

long effect
long skillAttribute

setx effect skillAttribute to xGetIngredientEffect "food_kwama_egg_01" 1

MessageBox "skill / attribute: %g" skillAttribute
MessageBox "effect: %g" effectID
MessageBox "food_kwama_egg_01"




  • string objectID: The object ID of the spell to get information from.


  • string name: The spell's name.
  • short type: 0 = Spell, 1 = Ability, 2 = Blight, 3 = Disease, 4 = Curse, 5 = Power.
  • short cost: The cost to cast the spell.
  • short numEffects: The number of effects the spell has.
  • long flags: Bit array of spell flags. 1 = Auto-Calc, 2 = PC Starting Spell, 4 = Always Succeeds.

This function gets information about a spell, given its objectID.

The numEffects value is useful when looping over spell effects using xGetEffectInfo.



  • long effectID: The Magic Effect to modify.
  • long school: New spell School.
  • float cost: New base cost in magicka.
  • long flags: New Magic Effect Flags. Only spellmaking, enchanting, and negative lighting are valid here. All others are ignored.


  • long result: 1 on success, 0 on failure.

This function changes the properties of the effect for all magic that uses it. Changes to school and flags take effect immediately.

E.g. if you have a spell with a Fire Damage effect and you change the Fire Damage school to Alteration, casting that spell will raise Alteration instead of Destruction. Likewise, if you clear the Spellmaking or Enchanting flags, Fire Damage will no longer be available at the respective crafter. Changes to the base cost take effect on any subsequent spell or magic item creation, but don't affect any spells or items already in the game.



  • long type: The Object Type of the object to alter.
  • string id: The object ID of the object to alter.
  • long index: The index of the effect to alter.
  • long effectID: The Effect Type to change to.
  • long skillOrAttributeID: The Attribute or Skill ID to use, if the effectID uses one.
  • long rangeType: 0 = self, 1 = touch, 2 = target.
  • long area: Area of effect.
  • long duration: Effect duration (in seconds).
  • long minimumMagnitude: Minimum magnitude.
  • long maximumMagnitude: Maximum magnitude.


  • long result: 1 on success, 0 on failure.

Modifies an existing effect on the given spell or enchantment.



  • string enchantID: Object ID of the enchantment to modify.
  • long type: 0 = cast once, 1 = cast when strikes, 2 = cast when used, 3 = constant.
  • long cost: New cost per use.
  • long charge: New maximum charge.
  • long autoCalc: 0 = off, 1 = on.


  • long result: 1 on success, 0 on failure.

Sets the properties of the given enchantId.



  • string id: The id of the ingredient to fetch data for.
  • long effectIndex: A value between 1 and 4, matching the effect index desired.
  • long effectType: The Effect Type that the ingredient has at the given effectIndex.
  • long skillAttributeType: The Attribute Type or Skill Type, if the effectType supports one.


  • long success: If the effect was set, this value is 1. If it failed, the value is 0.

This function allows scripts to modify the effects of an ingredient programmatically.

To instead retrieve these values, use xGetIngredientEffect.

??? example Set an ingredient's first effect.

begin WheatAllergy

long ingred
long index
long effect
long attrib

setx ingred to xStringBuild "ingred_bread_01"
set index to 1 ; First Slot
set effect to 22 ; Damage Attribute
set attrib to 0 ; Strength
xSetIngredientEffect ingred index effect attrib

; in this case, we could've also used literals
xSetIngredientEffect "ingred_bread_01" 1 22 0

; needs to run only once per session
StopScript WheatAllergy




  • string spellID: The spell ID to modify.
  • string spellName: New display name. Names longer than 31 characters will be truncated.
  • long type: New spell type. (0 = spell, 1 = ability, 2 = blight, 3 = disease, 4 = curse, 5 = power)
  • long cost: New magicka cost.
  • long flags: New flags. (1 = autocalc, 2 = player start, 4 = always succeeds)
  • long origin: New origin. (1 = module, not saved in .ess; 2 = spellmaker, saved in .ess; 0 to leave unmodified)


  • short result: 1 if the function was successfull, other wise 0.