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Actor Functions⚓︎


The MWSE-mwscript API is deprecated. The documentation found here is for legacy purposes only. None of the following functions can be used directly from Lua.



  • reference target: What the reference will try to activate.


  • None

This function allows the forced activation of one reference onto another. Unlike the vanilla Activate function, this allows variable input and will work even when OnActivate hasn't been triggered in the script.


Unlike the vanilla activate function, the reference is the actor that will activate something, rather than the object to activate.

Force the PC to Activate
begin test

long targetRef
long pcRef

; Don't force pickup if we're not sneaking.
if ( GetPCSneaking == 0 )

; Get a reference to what the player is looking at.
setx targetRef to xGetPCTarget
if ( targetRef == 0 )

; Get a reference to the player, and force them to activate what they are looking at.
setx pcRef to xGetRef "player"
pcRef->xActivate targetRef




  • string objectID: The object ID of the spell to add.


  • None

This is a wrapper for the vanilla AddSpell function that can take variable input.



  • float x: The position to travel to on the X axis.
  • float y: The position to travel to on the Y axis.
  • float z: The position to travel to on the Z axis.


  • None

This is a wrapper for the vanilla AITravel function that can take variable input.



  • string objectID: The object ID of the item to drop.
  • long count: The number of items to drop.


  • None

This is a wrapper for the vanilla Drop function that can take variable input.


xDrop N+1 items will leave 1 phantom icon plus N real items in the dropping actors inventory. xGetItemCount will not report the 1 phantom icon. However, xRemoveItem will remove the phantom safely. So "safe" procedure for xDrop seems to be to follow up with xRemoveItem of the same count. Additionally for non-player actors in menumode, exit and re-entry to menumode is needed to refresh the icons and avoid phantom icon interaction that could result in permanent item doubling or CTD. This also applies to the standard drop function.



  • string objectID: The object ID of the item to equip.


  • None

This is a wrapper for the vanilla Equip function that can take variable input.



  • long attributeID: The Attribute ID to get the value of.


  • float value: Current value of the attribute.

Returns the current value of the referenced object's attribute.


This function only supports the player and NPCs.



  • long attributeID: The Attribute ID to get the value of.


  • float value: Base value of the attribute.

Returns the base current value of the referenced object's attribute.


This function only supports the player and NPCs.



  • None


  • long gold: The base amount of bartering gold of the reference.

Returns the base amount of barter gold assigned to the NPC (or creature). This is the value that resets automatically each day.



  • long skillID: The Skill ID to get the value of.


  • float value: Base value of the skill.

Returns the base value of the referenced object's skill.


This function only supports the player and NPCs.



  • long attributesMask: A bit mask to apply to the attributes value.
  • long majorMask: A bit mask to apply to the majorSkills value.
  • long minorMask: A bit mask to apply to the minorSkills value.


  • string classID: The unique string identifier of the class.
  • string name: The name of the class.
  • long playable: 1 if the class can be chosen by the PC, 0 otherwise.
  • long specialization: 0 = Combat, 1 = Magic, 2 = Stealth
  • long attributes: A bitmap of the two primary attributes. The result is obtained by adding the values found in the attributes table below.
  • long majorSkills: A bitmap of the 5 major skills. The result is obtained by adding the values found in the skills table below.
  • long minorSkills: A bitmap of the 5 minor skills. The result is obtained by adding the values found in the skills table below.

Returns info about the class of the target NPC/PC, or 0 if the target is not an NPC or the PC.

For a custom class created at PC creation, the classID is "NEWCLASSID_CHARGEN" and playable is 0.

Attribute and Skill Bitmaps⚓︎

Value Attribute
1 Strength
2 Intelligence
4 Willpower
8 Agility
16 Speed
32 Endurance
64 Personality
128 Luck
Value Skill
1 Block
2 Armorer
4 Medium Armor
8 Heavy Armor
16 Blunt Weapon
32 Long Blade
64 Axe
128 Spear
256 Athletics
512 Enchant
1024 Destruction
2048 Alteration
4096 Illusion
8192 Conjuration
16384 Mysticism
32768 Restoration
65536 Alchemy
131072 Unarmored
262144 Security
524288 Sneak
1048576 Acrobatics
2097152 Light Armor
4194304 Short Blade
8388608 Marksman
16777216 Mercantile
33554432 Speechcraft
67108864 Hand-to-Hand



  • None


  • reference reference: Reference to the current combat target.

Returns a reference to the reference NPC/creature's combat target, or 0 if the reference is not in combat.



  • None


  • long gold: The reference's current barter gold.

xGetGold returns the current amount of barter gold possessed by the NPC (or creature). The base gold amount is used if you haven't bartered with the NPC/creature recently.



  • None


  • long objectType: The Object Type of the equipped magical source.
  • string objectID: The object ID of the spell or enchantment selected.

Returns the currently equipped spell or enchanted item. This is specifically the object that appears in the equipped magic slot and includes on-use magical items as well as spells.


The returned objectType and objectID will always be associated with a Spell or Enchantment object, not the Weapon, Armor, Clothing, or Book that the magic is placed on.



  • None


  • float maxFatigue: The reference's maximum fatigue.

!!! noteReturns maximum fatigue. This function only supports the player and NPCs.



  • None


  • float maxHealth: The reference's maximum health.

!!! noteReturns maximum health. This function only supports the player and NPCs.



  • None


  • float maxMagicka: The reference's maximum magicka.

!!! noteReturns maximum magicka. This function only supports the player and NPCs.



  • short returnType: The return pattern desired. See below for details.

Returned (returnType is 0):

  • string raceID: The object ID of the target's race.

Returned (returnType is 1):

  • array arrayID: An array ID containing the values of the race.

This function fetches the objectID or complete details about the target's race.


The arrays returned by this function when returnType is 1 are volatile. They should not be used for custom storage. Whenever xGetRace is called, the arrays are cleared and refilled with up-to-date information.

If returnType is 0, the response is the race's object ID. Otherwise, the returned array contains the following values:

Index Type Contents
0 string Object ID.
1 string Name.
2 array Skill bonuses.
3 array Starting attributes.
4 float Male height.
5 float Female height.
6 float Male weight.
7 float Female weight.
8 long Playable flag.
9 long Beast flag.

The skill bonuses array begins with index 0 holding the number of skill bonuses (a value between 0 and 7). Pairs of values are then returned. The odd indexes hold the Skill while the even indexes hold the bonus to the given skill.

The starting attributes array contains the following values:

Index Type Contents
0 long Male strength.
1 long Female strength.
2 long Male intelligence.
3 long Female intelligence.
4 long Male willpower.
5 long Female willpower.
6 long Male agility.
7 long Female agility.
8 long Male speed.
9 long Female speed.
10 long Male endurance.
11 long Female endurance.
12 long Male personality.
13 long Female personality.
14 long Male luck.
15 long Female luck.



  • long mask: A filter to limit the services returned.


  • long services: The services offered by the reference, limited by mask.

This function returns a bitfield of services offered by a given reference.

The service values are shown in the following table. If an NPC offers more than one service the sum of the service numbers will be returned. The mask parameter can be used as a filter to limit the return value to only consider the services indicated.

Value Service
1 Barters for weapons.
2 Barters for armor.
4 Barters for clothing.
8 Barters for books.
16 Barters for ingredients.
32 Barters for lockpicks.
64 Barters for probes.
128 Barters for lights.
256 Barters for alchemical apparatus.
512 Barters for repair tools.
1024 Barters for miscellaneous items.
2048 Offers spells.
4096 Barters for enchanted items.
8192 Barters for potions.
16384 Provides training.
32768 Provides spellmaking service.
65536 Provides enchanting service.
131072 Repairs armor and weapons.


Previous versions of MWSE made use of xIsTrader, xIsTrainer, and xIsProvider. This function supersedes those. Old scripts that use them will continue to work, but new scripts should make use of xGetService.



  • long skillID: The Skill ID to get the value of.


  • float value: Current value of the skill.

Returns the current value of the referenced object's skill.


This function only supports the player and NPCs.



  • string spellID: The spell ID to search for.


  • long result: 1 if the spell was found, otherwise 0.

Returns 1 if spellId is present, 0 otherwise. This is not a wrapper for GetSpell; it's a reimplementation. It only works for NPCs and the player.



  • string spellID: The spell ID to check for.


  • long result: 1 if the object is equipped, otherwise 0.

Returns 1 if the calling object is under the effect of the given spell, or 0 otherwise.



  • string objectID: The object ID to check if equipped.


  • long result: 1 if the object is equipped, otherwise 0.

Returns 1 if the NPC or creature has the object equipped, 0 otherwise.



  • None


  • long result: 1 if the reference is female, otherwise 0.

Returns 1 if the NPC is female and 0 otherwise.



  • long attributeID: The Attribute ID to modify.
  • float value: The value to modify the attribute by.


  • short result: Result of the function.

Modifies the current and base values of the specified attribute. This suffers from the same display issue as xSetLevel. It ignores the 100 max attribute limit.


This function only supports the player and NPCs.



  • long services: The combined value of services the reference should offer (positive) or refuse (negative).


  • None

Uses the services parameter to modify the services offered by an NPC. A positive value adds that service (or set of services) to those already offered. A negative value will remove a service or service. The changes are not permanent.

Value Service
1 Barters for weapons.
2 Barters for armor.
4 Barters for clothing.
8 Barters for books.
16 Barters for ingredients.
32 Barters for lockpicks.
64 Barters for probes.
128 Barters for lights.
256 Barters for alchemical apparatus.
512 Barters for repair tools.
1024 Barters for miscellaneous items.
2048 Offers spells.
4096 Barters for enchanted items.
8192 Barters for potions.
16384 Provides training.
32768 Provides spellmaking service.
65536 Provides enchanting service.
131072 Repairs armor and weapons.



  • string objectID: The object ID of the spell to remove.


  • None

This is a wrapper for the vanilla RemoveSpell function that can take variable input.



  • long gold: New value to set the reference's base barter gold to.


  • None

Changes the base amount of barter gold assigned to the NPC (or creature). Unfortunately this change won't be saved with the save game so you will need to reset it after each game reload or after the "72-hour bug" affects the merchant.



  • long gold: New value to set the reference's current barter gold to.


  • None

xSetGold changes the current amount of barter gold possessed by the NPC (or creature). This value is stored in save game files so it will survive a game reload. Setting this will have no effect if you haven't recently bartered with the NPC/creature. But setting both this and the base gold amount at the same time will likely do what you want.



  • long level: New value to set the reference's level to.


  • None

Sets the level of the given reference. This function is a wrapper for SetLevel, and suffers from the same display issue: when using this function on the player, the character screen does not update with the new level.



  • long services: The combined value of services the reference should offer.


  • None

xSetService uses the value parameter to change the NPC to offer the set of services represented by the number. The service number values are used and any old services are ignored.

For example using a value of 8 will make the NPC a bookseller. A value of 131587 (1+2+512+131072) is typical for smiths. The values changed by this function are not permanent and may be reset after 72-hours or a game reload.

Value Service
1 Barters for weapons.
2 Barters for armor.
4 Barters for clothing.
8 Barters for books.
16 Barters for ingredients.
32 Barters for lockpicks.
64 Barters for probes.
128 Barters for lights.
256 Barters for alchemical apparatus.
512 Barters for repair tools.
1024 Barters for miscellaneous items.
2048 Offers spells.
4096 Barters for enchanted items.
8192 Barters for potions.
16384 Provides training.
32768 Provides spellmaking service.
65536 Provides enchanting service.
131072 Repairs armor and weapons.



  • long reference: Target reference for the caller to initiate combat with.


  • None

xStartCombat is a wrapper for the original StartCombat to take variables.