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Magic Effects⚓︎


These values are available in Lua by their index in the tes3.effect table. For example, tes3.effect.fortifySkill has a value of 83.


Custom effects can be added, expanding the tes3.effect table. See the Magic Effects, Modded reference page for more information.

Index Value
waterBreathing 0
swiftSwim 1
waterWalking 2
shield 3
fireShield 4
lightningShield 5
frostShield 6
burden 7
feather 8
jump 9
levitate 10
slowFall 11
lock 12
open 13
fireDamage 14
shockDamage 15
frostDamage 16
drainAttribute 17
drainHealth 18
drainMagicka 19
drainFatigue 20
drainSkill 21
damageAttribute 22
damageHealth 23
damageMagicka 24
damageFatigue 25
damageSkill 26
poison 27
weaknesstoFire 28
weaknesstoFrost 29
weaknesstoShock 30
weaknesstoMagicka 31
weaknesstoCommonDisease 32
weaknesstoBlightDisease 33
weaknesstoCorprusDisease 34
weaknesstoPoison 35
weaknesstoNormalWeapons 36
disintegrateWeapon 37
disintegrateArmor 38
invisibility 39
chameleon 40
light 41
sanctuary 42
nightEye 43
charm 44
paralyze 45
silence 46
blind 47
sound 48
calmHumanoid 49
calmCreature 50
frenzyHumanoid 51
frenzyCreature 52
demoralizeHumanoid 53
demoralizeCreature 54
rallyHumanoid 55
rallyCreature 56
dispel 57
soultrap 58
telekinesis 59
mark 60
recall 61
divineIntervention 62
almsiviIntervention 63
detectAnimal 64
detectEnchantment 65
detectKey 66
spellAbsorption 67
reflect 68
cureCommonDisease 69
cureBlightDisease 70
cureCorprusDisease 71
curePoison 72
cureParalyzation 73
restoreAttribute 74
restoreHealth 75
restoreMagicka 76
restoreFatigue 77
restoreSkill 78
fortifyAttribute 79
fortifyHealth 80
fortifyMagicka 81
fortifyFatigue 82
fortifySkill 83
fortifyMaximumMagicka 84
absorbAttribute 85
absorbHealth 86
absorbMagicka 87
absorbFatigue 88
absorbSkill 89
resistFire 90
resistFrost 91
resistShock 92
resistMagicka 93
resistCommonDisease 94
resistBlightDisease 95
resistCorprusDisease 96
resistPoison 97
resistNormalWeapons 98
resistParalysis 99
removeCurse 100
turnUndead 101
summonScamp 102
summonClannfear 103
summonDaedroth 104
summonDremora 105
summonAncestralGhost 106
summonSkeletalMinion 107
summonBonewalker 108
summonGreaterBonewalker 109
summonBonelord 110
summonWingedTwilight 111
summonHunger 112
summonGoldenSaint 113
summonFlameAtronach 114
summonFrostAtronach 115
summonStormAtronach 116
fortifyAttack 117
commandCreature 118
commandHumanoid 119
boundDagger 120
boundLongsword 121
boundMace 122
boundBattleAxe 123
boundSpear 124
boundLongbow 125
boundCuirass 127
boundHelm 128
boundBoots 129
boundShield 130
boundGloves 131
corprus 132
vampirism 133
summonCenturionSphere 134
sunDamage 135
stuntedMagicka 136
summonFabricant 137
callWolf 138
callBear 139
summonBonewolf 140
sEffectSummonCreature04 141
sEffectSummonCreature05 142