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Game Settings (GMSTs)⚓︎


These values are available in Lua by their index in the tes3.gmst table. For example, tes3.gmst.sLevelUpMsg has a value of 682.


The value of a GMST can be retrieved by using the tes3.findGMST() function. For example, tes3.findGMST(tes3.gmst.sMonthMorningstar).value has a value of "Morning Star" in an unmodded english installation of Morrowind.

Index Value Type Default GMST Value
sMonthMorningstar 0 string "Morning Star"
sMonthSunsdawn 1 string "Sun's Dawn"
sMonthFirstseed 2 string "First Seed"
sMonthRainshand 3 string "Rain's Hand"
sMonthSecondseed 4 string "Second Seed"
sMonthMidyear 5 string "Mid Year"
sMonthSunsheight 6 string "Sun's Height"
sMonthLastseed 7 string "Last Seed"
sMonthHeartfire 8 string "Heartfire"
sMonthFrostfall 9 string "Frost Fall"
sMonthSunsdusk 10 string "Sun's Dusk"
sMonthEveningstar 11 string "Evening Star"
sSpecialization 12 string "Specialization"
sSpecializationCombat 13 string "Combat"
sSpecializationMagic 14 string "Magic"
sSpecializationStealth 15 string "Stealth"
sSkillClassMajor 16 string "Major Skills"
sSkillClassMinor 17 string "Minor Skills"
sSkillClassMisc 18 string "Misc Skills"
sRacialTraits 19 string "Racial Traits"
sHealthPerHourOfRest 20 string "Health per hour of rest"
sHealthPerLevel 21 string "Health per level"
sGoverningAttribute 22 string "Governing Attribute"
sClass 23 string "Class"
sTraits 24 string "Traits"
sJournal 25 string "Journal"
sOK 26 string "OK"
sClose 27 string "Close"
sPrev 28 string "Prev"
sNext 29 string "Next"
sTake 30 string "Take"
sWeaponTab 31 string "Weapon"
sApparelTab 32 string "Apparel"
sMagicTab 33 string "Magic"
sMiscTab 34 string "Misc"
sWornTab 35 string "Worn"
sAllTab 36 string "All"
sAttack 37 string "Attack"
sUses 38 string "Uses"
sQuality 39 string "Quality"
sCharges 40 string "Charge:"
sArmorRating 41 string "Armor Rating"
sSlash 42 string "Slash"
sThrust 43 string "Thrust"
sChop 44 string "Chop"
sEncumbrance 45 string "Encumbrance"
sCondition 46 string "Condition"
sWeight 47 string "Weight"
sValue 48 string "Value"
sLight 49 string "Light"
sMedium 50 string "Medium"
sHeavy 51 string "Heavy"
sCancel 52 string "Cancel"
sTakeAll 53 string "Take All"
sUntilHealed 54 string "Until Healed"
sRest 55 string "Rest"
sWait 56 string "Wait"
sRestIllegal 57 string "Resting here is illegal. You'll need to find a bed."
sGold 58 string "Gold"
sMove 59 string "Move"
sTo 60 string "to"
sActorInCombat 61 string "This character is in combat."
sArmor 62 string "Armor"
sTopics 63 string "Topics"
sService 64 string "Service"
sPersuasion 65 string "Persuasion"
sBye 66 string "Bye"
sGoodbye 67 string "Goodbye"
sYes 68 string "Yes"
sNo 69 string "No"
sOn 70 string "On"
sOff 71 string "Off"
sFull 72 string "Full"
sWorld 73 string "World"
sExpelled 74 string "EXPELLED"
sExpelledMessage 75 string "You have been expelled from"
sFavoriteSkills 76 string "Favorite Skills"
sGame 77 string "Game"
sVideo 78 string "Video"
sAudio 79 string "Audio"
sControls 80 string "Controls"
sPrefs 81 string "Prefs"
sPreferences 82 string "Preferences"
sNewGame 83 string "New Game"
sExitGame 84 string "Exit Game"
sOptions 85 string "Options Menu"
sSaveGame 86 string "Save Game"
sLoadGame 87 string "Load Game"
sDeleteGame 88 string "Delete Game"
sSaveGameDenied 89 string "You cannot save your game right now."
sSaveGameFailed 90 string "An error was encountered while saving the game."
sSaveGameTooBig 91 string "There is not enough space to save this game. Free up at least %i blocks and try again."
sSaveGameNoMemory 92 string "Unable to create Save Game. Free up 100 blocks and try again."
sMaximumSaveGameMessage 93 string "You have reached the limit of Morrowind saved games. Please delete a Morrowind saved game and try again."
sRender_Distance 94 string "View Distance"
sNear 95 string "Near"
sFar 96 string "Far"
sGamma_Correction 97 string "Gamma Correction"
sLight_Gamma 98 string "Light"
sDark_Gamma 99 string "Dark"
sSeldom 100 string "Seldom"
sAlways 101 string "Always"
sWaterTerrainReflect 102 string "Reflect Terrain"
sWaterReflectUpdate 103 string "Reflection Updating"
fWaterReflectUpdateAlways 104 float 0
fWaterReflectUpdateSeldom 105 float 10
sMaster 106 string "Master"
sVoice 107 string "Voice"
sEffects 108 string "Effects"
sFootsteps 109 string "Footsteps"
sMusic 110 string "Music"
sTransparency_Menu 111 string "Menu Transparency"
sMenu_Help_Delay 112 string "Menu Help Delay"
sAIDistance 113 string "AI Distance"
sHigh 114 string "High"
sLow 115 string "Low"
sDetail_Level 116 string "Detail Level"
sMenus 117 string "Menus"
sStrip 118 string "Strip"
sReturnToGame 119 string "Return To Game"
sForward 120 string "Forward"
sBack 121 string "Back"
sLeft 122 string "Left"
sRight 123 string "Right"
sUse 124 string "Use"
sActivate 125 string "Activate"
sReady_Weapon 126 string "Ready Weapon"
sReady_Magic 127 string "Ready Magic"
sCrouch_Sneak 128 string "Sneak"
sRun 129 string "Run"
sAlways_Run 130 string "Always Run"
sAuto_Run 131 string "Auto Run"
sJump 132 string "Jump"
sNextWeapon 133 string "Next Weapon"
sPrevWeapon 134 string "Previous Weapon"
sNextSpell 135 string "Next Spell"
sPrevSpell 136 string "Previous Spell"
sTogglePOVCmd 137 string "Toggle POV"
sMenu_Mode 138 string "Menu Mode"
sJournalCmd 139 string "Journal"
sRestKey 140 string "Rest"
sQuickMenu 141 string "Quick Menu"
sQuick1Cmd 142 string "Quick 1"
sQuick2Cmd 143 string "Quick 2"
sQuick3Cmd 144 string "Quick 3"
sQuick4Cmd 145 string "Quick 4"
sQuick5Cmd 146 string "Quick 5"
sQuick6Cmd 147 string "Quick 6"
sQuick7Cmd 148 string "Quick 7"
sQuick8Cmd 149 string "Quick 8"
sQuick9Cmd 150 string "Quick 9"
sQuick10Cmd 151 string "Quick 10"
sQuickSaveCmd 152 string "Quick Save"
sQuickLoadCmd 153 string "Quick Load"
sKeyName_00 154 string ""
sKeyName_01 155 string "ESC"
sKeyName_02 156 string "1"
sKeyName_03 157 string "2"
sKeyName_04 158 string "3"
sKeyName_05 159 string "4"
sKeyName_06 160 string "5"
sKeyName_07 161 string "6"
sKeyName_08 162 string "7"
sKeyName_09 163 string "8"
sKeyName_0A 164 string "9"
sKeyName_0B 165 string "0"
sKeyName_0C 166 string "-"
sKeyName_0D 167 string "="
sKeyName_0E 168 string "Back Space"
sKeyName_0F 169 string "Tab"
sKeyName_10 170 string "Q"
sKeyName_11 171 string "W"
sKeyName_12 172 string "E"
sKeyName_13 173 string "R"
sKeyName_14 174 string "T"
sKeyName_15 175 string "Y"
sKeyName_16 176 string "U"
sKeyName_17 177 string "I"
sKeyName_18 178 string "O"
sKeyName_19 179 string "P"
sKeyName_1A 180 string "["
sKeyName_1B 181 string "]"
sKeyName_1C 182 string "Return"
sKeyName_1D 183 string "Left Ctrl"
sKeyName_1E 184 string "A"
sKeyName_1F 185 string "S"
sKeyName_20 186 string "D"
sKeyName_21 187 string "F"
sKeyName_22 188 string "G"
sKeyName_23 189 string "H"
sKeyName_24 190 string "J"
sKeyName_25 191 string "K"
sKeyName_26 192 string "L"
sKeyName_27 193 string ";"
sKeyName_28 194 string "'"
sKeyName_29 195 string "Grave"
sKeyName_2A 196 string "Left Shift"
sKeyName_2B 197 string "\"
sKeyName_2C 198 string "Z"
sKeyName_2D 199 string "X"
sKeyName_2E 200 string "C"
sKeyName_2F 201 string "V"
sKeyName_30 202 string "B"
sKeyName_31 203 string "N"
sKeyName_32 204 string "M"
sKeyName_33 205 string ","
sKeyName_34 206 string "."
sKeyName_35 207 string "/"
sKeyName_36 208 string "Right Shift"
sKeyName_37 209 string "Numpad *"
sKeyName_38 210 string "Left Alt"
sKeyName_39 211 string "SPACEBAR"
sKeyName_3A 212 string "Caps Lock"
sKeyName_3B 213 string "F1"
sKeyName_3C 214 string "F2"
sKeyName_3D 215 string "F3"
sKeyName_3E 216 string "F4"
sKeyName_3F 217 string "F5"
sKeyName_40 218 string "F6"
sKeyName_41 219 string "F7"
sKeyName_42 220 string "F8"
sKeyName_43 221 string "F9"
sKeyName_44 222 string "F10"
sKeyName_45 223 string "Num Lock"
sKeyName_46 224 string "Scroll Lock"
sKeyName_47 225 string "Numpad 7"
sKeyName_48 226 string "Numpad 8"
sKeyName_49 227 string "Numpad 9"
sKeyName_4A 228 string "Numpad -"
sKeyName_4B 229 string "Numpad 4"
sKeyName_4C 230 string "Numpad 5"
sKeyName_4D 231 string "Numpad 6"
sKeyName_4E 232 string "Numpad +"
sKeyName_4F 233 string "Numpad 1"
sKeyName_50 234 string "Numpad 2"
sKeyName_51 235 string "Numpad 3"
sKeyName_52 236 string "Numpad 0"
sKeyName_53 237 string "Decimal"
sKeyName_54 238 string ""
sKeyName_55 239 string ""
sKeyName_56 240 string "OEM 102"
sKeyName_57 241 string "F11"
sKeyName_58 242 string "F12"
sKeyName_59 243 string ""
sKeyName_5A 244 string ""
sKeyName_5B 245 string ""
sKeyName_5C 246 string ""
sKeyName_5D 247 string ""
sKeyName_5E 248 string ""
sKeyName_5F 249 string ""
sKeyName_60 250 string ""
sKeyName_61 251 string ""
sKeyName_62 252 string ""
sKeyName_63 253 string ""
sKeyName_64 254 string "F13"
sKeyName_65 255 string "F14"
sKeyName_66 256 string "F15"
sKeyName_67 257 string ""
sKeyName_68 258 string ""
sKeyName_69 259 string ""
sKeyName_6A 260 string ""
sKeyName_6B 261 string ""
sKeyName_6C 262 string ""
sKeyName_6D 263 string ""
sKeyName_6E 264 string ""
sKeyName_6F 265 string ""
sKeyName_70 266 string "Kana"
sKeyName_71 267 string ""
sKeyName_72 268 string ""
sKeyName_73 269 string "Abnt C1"
sKeyName_74 270 string ""
sKeyName_75 271 string ""
sKeyName_76 272 string ""
sKeyName_77 273 string ""
sKeyName_78 274 string ""
sKeyName_79 275 string "Cnvrt"
sKeyName_7A 276 string ""
sKeyName_7B 277 string "No Cnvrt"
sKeyName_7C 278 string ""
sKeyName_7D 279 string "Yen"
sKeyName_7E 280 string "Abnt C2"
sKeyName_7F 281 string ""
sKeyName_80 282 string ""
sKeyName_81 283 string ""
sKeyName_82 284 string ""
sKeyName_83 285 string ""
sKeyName_84 286 string ""
sKeyName_85 287 string ""
sKeyName_86 288 string ""
sKeyName_87 289 string ""
sKeyName_88 290 string ""
sKeyName_89 291 string ""
sKeyName_8A 292 string ""
sKeyName_8B 293 string ""
sKeyName_8C 294 string ""
sKeyName_8D 295 string "Np Equals"
sKeyName_8E 296 string ""
sKeyName_8F 297 string ""
sKeyName_90 298 string "PrvTrk"
sKeyName_91 299 string "AT"
sKeyName_92 300 string ":"
sKeyName_93 301 string "_"
sKeyName_94 302 string "Kanji"
sKeyName_95 303 string "Stop"
sKeyName_96 304 string "Ax"
sKeyName_97 305 string "Unlabeled"
sKeyName_98 306 string ""
sKeyName_99 307 string "NxtTrk"
sKeyName_9A 308 string ""
sKeyName_9B 309 string ""
sKeyName_9C 310 string "Right Enter"
sKeyName_9D 311 string "Right Ctrl"
sKeyName_9E 312 string ""
sKeyName_9F 313 string ""
sKeyName_A0 314 string "Mute"
sKeyName_A1 315 string "Calc"
sKeyName_A2 316 string "Play Pause"
sKeyName_A3 317 string ""
sKeyName_A4 318 string "Media Stop"
sKeyName_A5 319 string ""
sKeyName_A6 320 string ""
sKeyName_A7 321 string ""
sKeyName_A8 322 string ""
sKeyName_A9 323 string ""
sKeyName_AA 324 string ""
sKeyName_AB 325 string ""
sKeyName_AC 326 string ""
sKeyName_AD 327 string ""
sKeyName_AE 328 string "Volume Down"
sKeyName_AF 329 string ""
sKeyName_B0 330 string "Volume Up"
sKeyName_B1 331 string ""
sKeyName_B2 332 string "Web Home"
sKeyName_B3 333 string "Numpad ,"
sKeyName_B4 334 string ""
sKeyName_B5 335 string "Numpad /"
sKeyName_B6 336 string ""
sKeyName_B7 337 string "SysRq"
sKeyName_B8 338 string "Right Alt"
sKeyName_B9 339 string ""
sKeyName_BA 340 string ""
sKeyName_BB 341 string ""
sKeyName_BC 342 string ""
sKeyName_BD 343 string ""
sKeyName_BE 344 string ""
sKeyName_BF 345 string ""
sKeyName_C0 346 string ""
sKeyName_C1 347 string ""
sKeyName_C2 348 string ""
sKeyName_C3 349 string ""
sKeyName_C4 350 string ""
sKeyName_C5 351 string "Pause"
sKeyName_C6 352 string ""
sKeyName_C7 353 string "Home"
sKeyName_C8 354 string "Up"
sKeyName_C9 355 string "Page Up"
sKeyName_CA 356 string ""
sKeyName_CB 357 string "Left"
sKeyName_CC 358 string ""
sKeyName_CD 359 string "Right"
sKeyName_CE 360 string ""
sKeyName_CF 361 string "End"
sKeyName_D0 362 string "Down"
sKeyName_D1 363 string "Page Down"
sKeyName_D2 364 string "Insert"
sKeyName_D3 365 string "Delete"
sKeyName_D4 366 string ""
sKeyName_D5 367 string ""
sKeyName_D6 368 string ""
sKeyName_D7 369 string ""
sKeyName_D8 370 string ""
sKeyName_D9 371 string ""
sKeyName_DA 372 string ""
sKeyName_DB 373 string "Left Win"
sKeyName_DC 374 string "Right Win"
sKeyName_DD 375 string "Apps"
sKeyName_DE 376 string "Power"
sKeyName_DF 377 string "Sleep"
sKeyName_E0 378 string ""
sKeyName_E1 379 string ""
sKeyName_E2 380 string ""
sKeyName_E3 381 string "Wake"
sKeyName_E4 382 string ""
sKeyName_E5 383 string "Web Search"
sKeyName_E6 384 string "Web Favs"
sKeyName_E7 385 string "Web Ref"
sKeyName_E8 386 string "Web Stop"
sKeyName_E9 387 string "Web Fwd"
sKeyName_EA 388 string "Web Back"
sKeyName_EB 389 string "My Comp"
sKeyName_EC 390 string ""
sKeyName_ED 391 string ""
sKeyName_EE 392 string ""
sKeyName_EF 393 string ""
sKeyName_F0 394 string ""
sKeyName_F1 395 string ""
sKeyName_F2 396 string ""
sKeyName_F3 397 string ""
sKeyName_F4 398 string ""
sKeyName_F5 399 string ""
sKeyName_F6 400 string ""
sKeyName_F7 401 string ""
sKeyName_F8 402 string ""
sKeyName_F9 403 string ""
sKeyName_FA 404 string ""
sKeyName_FB 405 string ""
sKeyName_FC 406 string ""
sKeyName_FD 407 string ""
sKeyName_FE 408 string ""
sKeyName_FF 409 string ""
sForwardXbox 410 string "Move Forward"
sBackXbox 411 string "Move Backward"
sSlideLeftXbox 412 string "Slide Left"
sSlideRightXbox 413 string "Slide Right"
sMenuModeXbox 414 string "Menu Mode"
sActivateXbox 415 string "Activate"
sUseXbox 416 string "Use"
sReadyItemXbox 417 string "Ready Item"
sReadyMagicXbox 418 string "Ready Magic"
sCrouchXbox 419 string "Sneak"
sRunXbox 420 string "Run"
sToggleRunXbox 421 string "Toggle Run"
sJumpXbox 422 string "Jump"
sTogglePOVXbox 423 string "Toggle View"
sMenuNextXbox 424 string "Next Menu"
sMenuPrevXbox 425 string "Previous Menu"
sJournalXbox 426 string "Journal"
sQuick4Xbox 427 string "sQuick4Xbox"
sQuick5Xbox 428 string "sQuick5Xbox"
sQuick6Xbox 429 string "sQuick6Xbox"
sQuick7Xbox 430 string "sQuick7Xbox"
sQuick8Xbox 431 string "sQuick8Xbox"
sQuick9Xbox 432 string "sQuick9Xbox"
sQuick0Xbox 433 string "sQuick0Xbox"
sOptionsMenuXbox 434 string "Options Menu"
sSystemMenuXbox 435 string "System Menu"
sRestMenuXbox 436 string "Rest/Wait"
sQuickSaveXbox 437 string "Quick Save"
sQuickLoadXbox 438 string "Quick Load"
sMoveUpXbox 439 string "Move Up"
sMoveDownXbox 440 string "Move Down"
sLookUpXbox 441 string "Look Up"
sLookDownXbox 442 string "Look Down"
sTurnLeftXbox 443 string "Turn Left"
sTurnRightXbox 444 string "Turn Right"
sNextWeaponXbox 445 string "Next Weapon"
sPrevWeaponXbox 446 string "Previous Weapon"
sNextSpellXbox 447 string "Next Spell"
sPrevSpellXbox 448 string "Previous Spell"
sDialogText1Xbox 449 string "PUSH"
sDialogText2Xbox 450 string "TO GO BACK"
sDialogText3Xbox 451 string "TO READ MORE"
sQuick_Save 452 string "Auto-Save when Rest"
sShadowText 453 string "Real-time Shadows"
sLockSuccess 454 string "Lock pick success!"
sLockFail 455 string "Lock pick failed."
sLockImpossible 456 string "Lock too complex."
sTrapSuccess 457 string "Trap disarmed!"
sTrapFail 458 string "Disarm trap failed."
sTrapImpossible 459 string "Trap too complex, your chance to disarm it is zero"
sTrapped 460 string "Trapped"
sLockLevel 461 string "Lock Level"
sKeyUsed 462 string "used to open lock"
sUnlocked 463 string "Unlocked"
fRepairMult 464 float 1
fRepairAmountMult 465 float 3
fSpellValueMult 466 float 10
fSpellMakingValueMult 467 float 7
fEnchantmentValueMult 468 float 1000
fTravelMult 469 float 4000
fTravelTimeMult 470 float 16000
fMagesGuildTravel 471 float 10
sBarter 472 string "Barter"
sRepair 473 string "Repair"
sSpells 474 string "Spells"
sTraining 475 string "Training"
sTravel 476 string "Travel"
sSpellmaking 477 string "Spellmaking"
sEnchanting 478 string "Enchanting"
sJoystickNotFound 479 string "Joystick not found."
sJournalEntry 480 string "Your journal has been updated."
sDay 481 string "Day"
sCreate 482 string "Create"
sIngredients 483 string "Ingredients"
sApparatus 484 string "Apparatus"
sCreatedEffects 485 string "Created Effects"
sOnetypeEffectMessage 486 string "This effect has already been added."
sName 487 string "Name"
sNameTitle 488 string "Name"
sSelect 489 string "Select"
sBuy 490 string "Buy"
sInfo 491 string "Info"
sMagicEffects 492 string "Magic Effects"
sOnce 493 string "Once"
sCostCharge 494 string "Cost/Charge"
sCostChance 495 string "Cost/Chance"
sAttributesMenu1 496 string "Choose an Attribute"
sBirthsignmenu1 497 string "Abilities:"
sBirthsignmenu2 498 string "Spells:"
sChooseClassMenu1 499 string "Specialization:"
sChooseClassMenu2 500 string "Favorite Attributes:"
sChooseClassMenu3 501 string "Major Skills:"
sChooseClassMenu4 502 string "Minor Skills:"
sCreateClassMenuWarning 503 string "Reselect your class?"
sClassChoiceMenu1 504 string "Answer his questions (Generates Class)"
sClassChoiceMenu2 505 string "Give him the info (Pick from Class List)"
sClassChoiceMenu3 506 string "Fill out forms yourself (Create Custom Class)"
sNotifyMessage1 507 string "You can only rest on solid ground."
sNotifyMessage2 508 string "You can't rest here enemies are nearby."
sNotifyMessage3 509 string "You cannot sleep when dreaming."
sNotifyMessage4 510 string "Saving..."
sNotifyMessage4XBOX 511 string "Saving. Please don't turn off your Xbox console."
sNotifyMessage5 512 string "You must place the object you are holding into a container before exiting menus."
sNotifyMessage6 513 string "Only one of each ingredient can be used to make a potion."
sNotifyMessage6a 514 string "At least two ingredients are needed to make a potion."
sNotifyMessage7 515 string "Only four ingredients can be used in a potion."
sNotifyMessage8 516 string "Your potion failed."
sNotifyMessage9 517 string "Your offer is refused."
sNotifyMessage10 518 string "You have to name the spell before buying it."
sNotifyMessage11 519 string "You have to have an item to enchant."
sNotifyMessage12 520 string "You don't have enough gold to buy this spell."
sNotifyMessage13 521 string "Beast races cannot wear full helmets."
sNotifyMessage14 522 string "Beast races cannot wear boots."
sNotifyMessage15 523 string "Beast races cannot wear shoes."
sNotifyMessage16 524 string "You can only wear one clothing item at a time."
sNotifyMessage16_a 525 string "You can only equip one item of that type at a time."
sNotifyMessage17 526 string "You cannot train a skill above its governing attribute."
sNotifyMessage18 527 string "You don't have enough gold to buy this spell."
sNotifyMessage19 528 string "Only one apparatus can be placed in each slot of the alchemy menu."
sNotifyMessage20 529 string "Please remove the object already in the mortar and pestle slot."
sNotifyMessage21 530 string "Please remove the object already in the alembic slot."
sNotifyMessage22 531 string "Please remove the object already in the calcinator slot."
sNotifyMessage23 532 string "Please remove the object already in the retort slot."
sNotifyMessage24 533 string "You need to assign all the major and minor skill slots."
sNotifyMessage25 534 string "You need to pick two favorite attributes."
sNotifyMessage26 535 string "You need to pick a specialization."
sNotifyMessage27 536 string "You need to assign all the major and minor skill slots."
sNotifyMessage28 537 string "You can only add eight effects to a spell."
sNotifyMessage29 538 string "You cannot add more enchantment to an object then it can hold."
sNotifyMessage30 539 string "You have to add at least one effect to a spell."
sNotifyMessage31 540 string "Items already enchanted cannot have another enchantment added."
sNotifyMessage32 541 string "Only soul gems with a soul can be put in the soul gem slot."
sNotifyMessage33 542 string "Only soul gems put in the soul gem slot."
sNotifyMessage34 543 string "The enchantment failed and your gem is destroyed."
sNotifyMessage35 544 string "Only one apparatus item can be equipped at a time."
sNotifyMessage36 545 string "You have to distribute all you points before exiting."
sNotifyMessage37 546 string "You need to type in your name."
sNotifyMessage38 547 string "Skill Increase:"
sNotifyMessage39 548 string "Your %s skill increased to %d."
sNotifyMessage40 549 string "Skill Maximum Reached."
sNotifyMessage41 550 string "Your %s skill has reached the limit of your %s."
sNotifyMessage42 551 string "You have been released after %d day. A skill has been affected by your time in prison."
sNotifyMessage43 552 string "You have been released after %d days. Your skills have been affected by your time in prison."
sNotifyMessage44 553 string "Your %s skill decreased to %d."
sNotifyMessage45 554 string "You need a Mortar and Pestle to use"
sNotifyMessage46 555 string "You need a Alembic to use"
sNotifyMessage47 556 string "You need a Calcinator to use"
sNotifyMessage48 557 string "You need a Retort to use"
sNotifyMessage49 558 string "That %s is mine."
sNotifyMessage50 559 string "%s has no effect on you."
sNotifyMessage51 560 string "The %s has been used up."
sNotifyMessage52 561 string "You must have a soul gem with a soul to make an Enchanted Item"
sNotifyMessage53 562 string "Your menu sizes and positions have been saved for exploring mode."
sNotifyMessage54 563 string "Do you want to start a new game and lose your current game?"
sNotifyMessage55 564 string "Please reconnect the controller and press START to continue."
sNotifyMessage56 565 string "There's a problem with the disc you're using. It may be dirty or damaged. Press A to continue."
sNotifyMessage57 566 string "Please press START to begin."
sNotifyMessage58 567 string "Your Xbox Hard Disk doesn't have enough free blocks to save games. Press A to continue without saving or B to free more blocks."
sNotifyMessage59 568 string "You are over-encumbered."
sNotifyMessage60 569 string "%s has been added to your inventory."
sNotifyMessage61 570 string "%d %s has been added to your inventory."
sNotifyMessage62 571 string "%s has been removed from your inventory."
sNotifyMessage63 572 string "%d %s has been removed from your inventory."
sNotifyMessage64 573 string "You can't sleep in someone else's bed!"
sNotifyMessage65 574 string "You can't save a game with no name!"
sNotifyMessage66 575 string "This will reset all controls to the default settings. Do you wish to continue?"
sNotifyMessage67 576 string "This will immediately change your resolution. Do you want to continue?"
sTeleportDisabled 577 string "Teleportation magic does not work here."
sLevitateDisabled 578 string "Levitation magic does not work here."
sInPrisonTitle 579 string "Serving time..."
sInfoRefusal 580 string "Info Refusal"
sAdmireSuccess 581 string "Admire Success"
sAdmireFail 582 string "Admire Fail"
sIntimidateSuccess 583 string "Intimidate Success"
sIntimidateFail 584 string "Intimidate Fail"
sTauntSuccess 585 string "Taunt Success"
sTauntFail 586 string "Taunt Fail"
sServiceRefusal 587 string "Service Refusal"
sBribeSuccess 588 string "Bribe Success"
sBribeFail 589 string "Bribe Fail"
sWerewolfRefusal 590 string "You cannot do this as a werewolf."
sWerewolfPopup 591 string "Werewolf"
sWerewolfRestMessage 592 string "You cannot rest in werewolf form."
sWerewolfAlarmMessage 593 string "You have been detected as a known werewolf."
sBookSkillMessage 594 string "You have gained knowledge from this book."
sLoadingMessage1 595 string "Loading Master/Plugin Files"
sLoadingMessage2 596 string "Loading Area"
sLoadingMessage3 597 string "Loading Area"
sLoadingMessage4 598 string "Initializing Data..."
sLoadingMessage5 599 string "Parsing Quests (this may take a while) Re-save when done."
sLoadingMessage9 600 string "Clearing Data..."
sLoadingMessage14 601 string "Loading Save Game"
sLoadingMessage15 602 string "Loading (%s)"
sInvalidSaveGameMsg 603 string "This file is an invalid Save Game."
sInvalidSaveGameMsgXBOX 604 string "Unable to load saved game. Press A to continue."
sLoadingErrorsMsg 605 string "Errors were encountered loading from file '%s'."
sMissingMastersMsg 606 string "The currently selected master files and plugins do not match the ones used by this save game. Errors may occur during load or game play. Do you wish to continue?"
sChangedMastersMsg 607 string "The selected master files and plugins may have changed since this save game was created. Errors may occur during load or game play. Do you wish to continue?"
sMastPlugMismatchMsg 608 string "One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message but not necessarily fix any errors."
sGeneralMastPlugMismatchMsg 609 string "One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information."
sLoadLastSaveMsg 610 string "The most recent Save Game is '%s'. Would you like to load it?"
sMessage1 611 string "Do you want to Load a save game and lose your current game?"
sMessage2 612 string "Quit Morrowind?"
sMessage3 613 string "Are you sure you want to delete this Save Game?"
sMessage4 614 string "Are you sure you want to overwrite this Save Game?"
sMessage5 615 string "Do you wish to quit your current game? All unsaved progress will be lost."
sMessageQuestionAnswer1 616 string "Your personality and past reflect a:"
sMessageQuestionAnswer2 617 string "Accept this Class"
sMessageQuestionAnswer3 618 string "Choose Another Class"
sBarterDialog1 619 string "You cannot afford this transaction."
sBarterDialog2 620 string "I cannot afford this transaction."
sBarterDialog3 621 string "This is to heavy for you to carry."
sBarterDialog4 622 string "I don't buy that item."
sBarterDialog5 623 string "Thank you, Please Come Again."
sBarterDialog6 624 string "You need to place the bartered item before existing Barter Menu!"
sBarterDialog7 625 string "Price"
sBarterDialog8 626 string "Offer"
sBarterDialog9 627 string "You cannot sell summoned items!"
sBarterDialog10 628 string "You cannot buy summoned items!"
sBarterDialog11 629 string "You need to trade items before making an offer."
sBarterDialog12 630 string "You cannot drop summoned items!"
sInventoryMessage1 631 string "This object is broken and cannot be equipped until fixed."
sInventoryMessage2 632 string "You cannot repair items during battle."
sInventoryMessage3 633 string "You cannot make potions during battle."
sInventoryMessage4 634 string "You cannot read during battle."
sInventoryMessage5 635 string "You cannot use soul gems during battle."
sContentsMessage1 636 string "You cannot remove summoned items from their container."
sContentsMessage2 637 string "You cannot place items in this container."
sContentsMessage3 638 string "The item will not fit."
sAttributeListTitle 639 string "Attribute List"
sConsoleTitle 640 string "Console"
sCreateClassMenu1 641 string "Class Description"
sCreateClassMenu2 642 string "Close the Description menu before leaving Class Creation"
sCreateClassMenu3 643 string "The class needs a description."
sCreateClassMenuHelp1 644 string "You'll get +5 to all skills of your specialization. They'll also be easier to increase."
sCreateClassMenuHelp2 645 string "You'll get +10 to each of your favored attributes."
sControlsMenu1 646 string "Reset Controls"
sControlsMenu2 647 string "Mouse Sensitivity"
sControlsMenu3 648 string "Press a key or push a button to set this command."
sControlsMenu4 649 string "Vertical Sensitivity"
sControlsMenu5 650 string "Horizontal Sensitivity"
sControlsMenu6 651 string "Push a button to set this command."
sGameWithoutLauncherXbox 652 string "The game was started without the launcher. Press START to continue."
sDialogMenu1 653 string "Final Disposition:"
sEnchantmentMenu1 654 string "Enchantment Menu"
sEnchantmentMenu2 655 string "Enchantment Name"
sEnchantmentMenu3 656 string "Enchantment"
sEnchantmentMenu4 657 string "Point Cost"
sEnchantmentMenu5 658 string "Buy"
sEnchantmentMenu6 659 string "Chance"
sEnchantmentMenu7 660 string "Please remove the current soul gem before placing a different soul gem."
sEnchantmentMenu8 661 string "You cannot buy a spell that has a zero point cost."
sEnchantmentMenu9 662 string "You cannot enchant more then one item of that type at a time."
sEnchantmentMenu10 663 string "The cast cost cannot exceed the charge amount put into the time"
sEnchantmentMenu11 664 string "You must add at least one effect to an enchantment"
sEnchantmentMenu12 665 string "You have successfully created an enchanted item"
sEnchantmentHelp1 666 string "Slot for item to enchant. Only weapons, armor, scrolls and clothing that are not already enchanted can be enchanted."
sEnchantmentHelp2 667 string "Slot for the soul gem used to enchant an item. Only soul gems filled with a soul can be used. The soul amount is the total charge placed into the item."
sEnchantmentHelp3 668 string "The first number is the total amount the enchantment would cost to cast. The second number is the total enchantment cost that can be placed on this type of item."
sEnchantmentHelp4 669 string "The amount of charge points needed each time this enchantment is cast. This number is modified by your enchant skill."
sEnchantmentHelp5 670 string "The amount of soul in the soul gem in the soul gem slot"
sEnchantmentHelp6 671 string "Amount of gold to buy this enchantment"
sEnchantmentHelp7 672 string "Type of cast for the enchantment."
sEnchantmentHelp8 673 string "Name you give the spell."
sEnchantmentHelp9 674 string "Magic effects you know that you can add to an item"
sEnchantmentHelp10 675 string "Current effects on the item"
sInputMenu1 676 string "Enter"
sInventoryMenu1 677 string "You cannot equip items being bartered."
sLevelUpMenu1 678 string "You have ascended to Level"
sLevelUpMenu2 679 string "It's all suddenly obvious to you. You just have to concentrate. All the energy and time you've wasted is a sin, but without the experience you've gained, taking risks, taking responsibility for failure how could you have understood?"
sLevelUpMenu3 680 string "x2"
sLevelUpMenu4 681 string "x3"
sLevelUpMsg 682 string "You should rest and meditate on what you've learned."
sLevelUp 683 string "Level Up"
sRange 684 string "Range"
sArea 685 string "Area"
sMagnitude 686 string "Magnitude"
sDuration 687 string "Duration"
sDrain 688 string "Drain"
sAbsorb 689 string "Absorb"
sFortify 690 string "Fortify"
sRestore 691 string "Restore"
sDamage 692 string "Damage"
spoint 693 string "pt"
spoints 694 string "pts"
spercent 695 string "%"
sfor 696 string "for"
ssecond 697 string "sec"
sseconds 698 string "secs"
sin 699 string "in"
sfootarea 700 string "ft"
sfeet 701 string "ft"
sXTimes 702 string "x"
sXTimesINT 703 string "x INT"
sonword 704 string "on"
sNone 705 string "None"
sDone 706 string "Done"
sStartCell 707 string "Cavern of the Incarnate"
sStartError 708 string "Cannot start in an empty interior cell!"
sStartCellError 709 string "Starting interior cell "Cavern of the Incarnate" not found!"
sAdmire 710 string "Admire"
sIntimidate 711 string "Intimidate"
sTaunt 712 string "Taunt"
sBribe 10 Gold 713 string "Bribe 10 Gold"
sBribe10Gold 713 string "Bribe 10 Gold"
sBribe100Gold 714 string "Bribe 100 Gold"
sBribe 100 Gold 714 string "Bribe 100 Gold"
sBribe1000Gold 715 string "Bribe 1000 Gold"
sBribe 1000 Gold 715 string "Bribe 1000 Gold"
sPersuasionMenuTitle 716 string "Persuasion"
sFast 717 string "Fast"
sSlow 718 string "Slow"
sBestAttack 719 string "Always Use Best Attack"
sSubtitles 720 string "Subtitles"
sMouseFlip 721 string "Invert Y Axis"
sCursorOff 722 string "Crosshair"
sEnableJoystick 723 string "Enable Joystick"
sXStrafe 724 string "X-Axis Movement"
sStrafe 725 string "Strafe"
sTurn 726 string "Turn"
sMouseWheelUpShort 727 string "MWheel Up"
sMouseWheelDownShort 728 string "MWheel Down"
sMouse 729 string "Mouse"
sJoystickShort 730 string "Joy"
sJoystickHatShort 731 string "JHat"
sPickUp 732 string "Take"
sItemName 733 string "Item Name"
sNoName 734 string "NO NAME GIVEN!"
sItem 735 string "Item"
sRaceMenu1 736 string "Appearance"
sRaceMenu2 737 string "Change Sex"
sRaceMenu3 738 string "Change Face"
sRaceMenu4 739 string "Change Hair"
sRaceMenu5 740 string "Race"
sRaceMenu6 741 string "Race Description"
sRaceMenu7 742 string "Specials"
sRestMenu1 743 string "How many hours?"
sRestMenu2 744 string "Hours"
sRestMenu3 745 string "REST"
sRestMenu4 746 string "You can't rest right now."
fRestMagicMult 747 float 0.15
sSaveMenu1 748 string "New Save Game"
sServiceRepairTitle 749 string "Repair Service Menu"
sServiceTravelTitle 750 string "Travel"
sServiceTrainingTitle 751 string "Training"
sServiceTrainingWords 752 string "I can teach nothing more about that skill"
sServiceSpellsTitle 753 string "Spells"
sSkillsMenu1 754 string "Choose a Skill"
sBonusSkillTitle 755 string "Skill Bonus"
sSpecializationMenu1 756 string "Choose a Specialization"
sSpellmakingMenuTitle 757 string "Spellmaking"
sSpellmakingMenu1 758 string "Spell Chance"
sSpellmakingHelp1 759 string "Name you give the spell."
sSpellmakingHelp2 760 string "Amount of Magika one cast of the spell will cost"
sSpellmakingHelp3 761 string "The chance you have to cast the spell at your current skill level"
sSpellmakingHelp4 762 string "How much gold the spell will cost you."
sSpellmakingHelp5 763 string "Magic effects you know that you can add to a spell"
sSpellmakingHelp6 764 string "Current effects on the spell"
sKilledEssential 765 string "With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."
sCrimeMessage 766 string "Your crime has been reported!"
sPotionSuccess 767 string "You created a potion"
sMagicItem 768 string "Magic Items"
sMagnitudeDes 769 string "The range of a spells power"
sAreaDes 770 string "The radius the spell attempt to affect"
sDurationDes 771 string "The length a spell lasts"
sRangeDes 772 string "What the spell is directed at such as yourself, a target or who you touch"
sCrimeHelp 773 string "The penalty you must pay for your crimes, if caught."
sSoulGem 774 string "Soul"
sCastCost 775 string "Cast Cost"
sTravelServiceTitle 776 string "Select destination"
sSpellServiceTitle 777 string "Select spell to buy"
sRepairServiceTitle 778 string "Select item to repair"
sTrainingServiceTitle 779 string "Select skill to train"
sMortar 780 string "Mortar"
sCalcinator 781 string "Calcinator"
sAlembic 782 string "Alembic"
sRetort 783 string "Retort"
sQuestionMark 784 string "?"
s3dAudio 785 string "3D Audio"
s3dHardware 786 string "Hardware Accelerated"
s3dSoftware 787 string "Software Mode"
sYourGold 788 string "YOUR GOLD"
sSellerGold 789 string "SELLER GOLD"
sMaxSale 790 string "Max Sale"
sTotalCost 791 string "TOTAL COST"
sTotalSold 792 string "TOTAL SOLD"
sOffer 793 string "Offer"
sLess 794 string "Less"
sMore 795 string "More"
sInventory 796 string "Inventory"
sBookPageOne 797 string "1"
sBookPageTwo 798 string "2"
sDisposeofCorpse 799 string "Dispose of Corpse"
sCaughtStealingMessage 800 string "Hey he's stealing my stuff!"
sUserDefinedClass 801 string "User Defined Class"
sAsk 802 string "Ask"
sEnchantItems 803 string "Items to Enchant"
sSoulGemsWithSouls 804 string "Soul Gems with Souls"
sDoYouWantTo 805 string "Do you want to"
sRechargeEnchantment 806 string "Recharge Enchanted Item"
sMake 807 string "Make an Enchanted Item"
sSell 808 string "Sell"
sEquip 809 string "Equip"
sDrop 810 string "Drop"
sContainer 811 string "Container"
sStats 812 string "Stats"
sMap 813 string "Map"
sCenter 814 string "Center"
sSaveMenuHelp01 815 string "th of"
sSaveMenuHelp02 816 string "month"
sSaveMenuHelp03 817 string "day"
sSaveMenuHelp04 818 string "a.m."
sSaveMenuHelp05 819 string "p.m."
sSaveMenuHelp06 820 string "Delete Game?"
sDeleteNote 821 string "Delete Note?"
sEditNote 822 string "Edit Note"
sBlocks 823 string "Blocks"
sFileSize 824 string "File Size"
sSave 825 string "Save"
sDeleteSpell 826 string "Delete Spell"
sQuestionDeleteSpell 827 string "Are you sure you wish to delete %s?"
sDeleteSpellError 828 string "You cannot delete this item from the Magic Menu"
sLocal 829 string "Local"
sLoadFailedMessage 830 string "Your last load failed. You must load another game or start a new game."
sShadows 831 string "Shadows"
sControlerVibration 832 string "Controller Vibration"
sQuanityMenuMessage01 833 string "Amount to Sell"
sQuanityMenuMessage02 834 string "Amount to Buy"
sSex 835 string "Sex"
sHair 836 string "Hair"
sFace 837 string "Face"
sRepairFailed 838 string "Your repair failed!"
sRepairSuccess 839 string "Your repair succeeded!"
sHeal 840 string "Heal"
sgp 841 string "gp"
sSetValueMessage01 842 string "The maximum magnitude cannot be less then the minimum magnitude!"
sDelete 843 string "Delete"
sVideoWarning 844 string "Warning: Video Resolution does not allow shadows."
sResChangeWarning 845 string "Desired resolution not supported by video card."
sShift 846 string "Shift"
sBackspace 847 string "Backspace"
sCustomClassName 848 string "Adventurer"
sSpace 849 string "Space"
sInventorySelectNoItems 850 string "You have no items to fill this slot."
sInventorySelectNoSoul 851 string "You have no filled Soul Gems"
sInventorySelectNoIngredients 852 string "You have no ingredients"
sDisposeCorpseFail 853 string "You can not remove this corpse"
sQuickMenuTitle 854 string "Quick Keys"
sQuickMenuInstruc 855 string "Click on quick key slot to add a spell, magic item or inventory item"
sQuickMenu1 856 string "Item to QuickKey"
sQuickMenu2 857 string "Inventory Menu Item"
sQuickMenu3 858 string "Magic Menu Item"
sQuickMenu4 859 string "Delete QuickKey Item"
sQuickMenu5 860 string "You no longer have"
sQuickMenu6 861 string "Inventory Items to Quick key"
sMagicSelectTitle 862 string "Select a magic to Quick key."
sNextRank 863 string "Next Rank:"
sNeedOneSkill 864 string "Need one skill at"
sNeedTwoSkills 865 string "Need two skills at"
sand 866 string "and"
sOneHanded 867 string "One Handed"
sTwoHanded 868 string "Two Handed"
sType 869 string "Type:"
sAt 870 string "At"
sUnequip 871 string "Unequip"
sScrolldown 872 string "Scroll Down"
sScrollup 873 string "Scroll Up"
sSleepInterrupt 874 string "Your rest has been interrupted."
sSoultrapSuccess 875 string "Your have trapped a soul"
sCantEquipWeapWarning 876 string "Finish your current attack before equipping a new weapon"
sOfferMenuTitle 877 string "Offer Menu"
sPowers 878 string "Powers"
sBreath 879 string "Breath"
sDifficulty 880 string "Difficulty"
sEasy 881 string "Easy"
sHard 882 string "Hard"
sProfitValue 883 string "Profit Value"
sCompanionShare 884 string "Companion Share"
sCompanionWarningMessage 885 string "Your mercenary is poorer now than when he contracted with you. Your mercenary will quit if you do not give him gold or goods to bring his Profit Value to a positive value."
sCompanionWarningButtonOne 886 string "Let the mercenary quit."
sCompanionWarningButtonTwo 887 string "Return to Companion Share display."
sAttributeStrength 888 string "Strength"
sAttributeIntelligence 889 string "Intelligence"
sAttributeWillpower 890 string "Willpower"
sAttributeAgility 891 string "Agility"
sAttributeSpeed 892 string "Speed"
sAttributeEndurance 893 string "Endurance"
sAttributePersonality 894 string "Personality"
sAttributeLuck 895 string "Luck"
sSkillBlock 896 string "Block"
sSkillArmorer 897 string "Armorer"
sSkillMediumarmor 898 string "Medium Armor"
sSkillHeavyarmor 899 string "Heavy Armor"
sSkillBluntweapon 900 string "Blunt Weapon"
sSkillLongblade 901 string "Long Blade"
sSkillAxe 902 string "Axe"
sSkillSpear 903 string "Spear"
sSkillAthletics 904 string "Athletics"
sSkillEnchant 905 string "Enchant"
sSkillDestruction 906 string "Destruction"
sSkillAlteration 907 string "Alteration"
sSkillIllusion 908 string "Illusion"
sSkillConjuration 909 string "Conjuration"
sSkillMysticism 910 string "Mysticism"
sSkillRestoration 911 string "Restoration"
sSkillAlchemy 912 string "Alchemy"
sSkillUnarmored 913 string "Unarmored"
sSkillSecurity 914 string "Security"
sSkillSneak 915 string "Sneak"
sSkillAcrobatics 916 string "Acrobatics"
sSkillLightarmor 917 string "Light Armor"
sSkillShortblade 918 string "Short Blade"
sSkillMarksman 919 string "Marksman"
sSkillMercantile 920 string "Mercantile"
sSkillSpeechcraft 921 string "Speechcraft"
sSkillHandtohand 922 string "Hand-to-hand"
sHealth 923 string "Health"
sRace 924 string "Race"
sLevel 925 string "Level"
sLevels 926 string "Levels"
sFaction 927 string "Faction"
sBirthSign 928 string "Sign"
sBounty 929 string "Bounty"
sReputation 930 string "Reputation"
sSchool 931 string "School"
sSkill 932 string "Skill"
sSkillProgress 933 string "Progress towards skill increase"
sSkillMaxReached 934 string "Maximum proficiency has been reached."
sLevelProgress 935 string "Progress towards level increase"
sMagic 936 string "Magicka"
sMagicMenu 937 string "Magic"
sFatigue 938 string "Fatigue"
sSkillsMenuReputationHelp 939 string "Your fame rating in the world of Morrowind."
sStrDesc 940 string "Affects your starting Health, how much you can carry, your maximum Fatigue, and how much damage you do in melee."
sIntDesc 941 string "Determines your maximum amount of Magicka."
sWilDesc 942 string "Affects your ability to resist magic, and your maximum Fatigue."
sAgiDesc 943 string "Affects your ability to dodge and hit targets in melee as well as your maximum Fatigue."
sSpdDesc 944 string "Determines how fast you can move."
sEndDesc 945 string "Affects your starting Health, your Health gain per level, and your maximum Fatigue."
sPerDesc 946 string "Affects your ability to deal with other characters and how much they like you."
sLucDesc 947 string "Affects every action you do in a small way."
sFatDesc 948 string "How tired you are. Low fatigue makes it harder to successfully perform actions."
sHealthDesc 949 string "The amount of damage you can take before you die. Increases every time you gain a level."
sMagDesc 950 string "Used to cast spells. Magicka is naturally restored by resting."
fWortChanceValue 951 float 15
sDefaultCellname 952 string "Wilderness"
fMinWalkSpeed 953 float 100
fMaxWalkSpeed 954 float 200
fMinWalkSpeedCreature 955 float 5
fMaxWalkSpeedCreature 956 float 300
fEncumberedMoveEffect 957 float 0.3
fBaseRunMultiplier 958 float 1.75
fAthleticsRunBonus 959 float 1
fJumpAcrobaticsBase 960 float 128
fJumpAcroMultiplier 961 float 4
fJumpEncumbranceBase 962 float 0.5
fJumpEncumbranceMultiplier 963 float 1
fJumpRunMultiplier 964 float 1
fJumpMoveBase 965 float 0.5
fJumpMoveMult 966 float 0.5
fSwimWalkBase 967 float 0.5
fSwimRunBase 968 float 0.5
fSwimWalkAthleticsMult 969 float 0.02
fSwimRunAthleticsMult 970 float 0.1
fSwimHeightScale 971 float 0.9
fHoldBreathTime 972 float 20
fHoldBreathEndMult 973 float 0.5
fSuffocationDamage 974 float 3
fMinFlySpeed 975 float 5
fMaxFlySpeed 976 float 300
fStromWindSpeed 977 float 0.7
fStromWalkMult 978 float 0.25
fFallDamageDistanceMin 979 float 400
fFallDistanceBase 980 float 0
fFallDistanceMult 981 float 0.07
fFallAcroBase 982 float 0.25
fFallAcroMult 983 float 0.01
iMaxActivateDist 984 integer 192
iMaxInfoDist 985 integer 192
fVanityDelay 986 float 30
fMaxHeadTrackDistance 987 float 400
fInteriorHeadTrackMult 988 float 0.5
iHelmWeight 989 integer 5
iPauldronWeight 990 integer 10
iCuirassWeight 991 integer 30
iGauntletWeight 992 integer 5
iGreavesWeight 993 integer 15
iBootsWeight 994 integer 20
iShieldWeight 995 integer 15
fLightMaxMod 996 float 0.6
fMedMaxMod 997 float 0.9
fUnarmoredBase1 998 float 0.1
fUnarmoredBase2 999 float 0.065
iBaseArmorSkill 1000 integer 30
fBlockStillBonus 1001 float 1.25
fDamageStrengthBase 1002 float 0.5
fDamageStrengthMult 1003 float 0.1
fSwingBlockBase 1004 float 1
fSwingBlockMult 1005 float 1
fFatigueBase 1006 float 1.25
fFatigueMult 1007 float 0.5
fFatigueReturnBase 1008 float 2.5
fFatigueReturnMult 1009 float 0.02
fEndFatigueMult 1010 float 0.04
fFatigueAttackBase 1011 float 2
fFatigueAttackMult 1012 float 0
fWeaponFatigueMult 1013 float 0.25
fFatigueBlockBase 1014 float 4
fFatigueBlockMult 1015 float 0
fWeaponFatigueBlockMult 1016 float 1
fFatigueRunBase 1017 float 5
fFatigueRunMult 1018 float 2
fFatigueJumpBase 1019 float 5
fFatigueJumpMult 1020 float 0
fFatigueSwimWalkBase 1021 float 2.5
fFatigueSwimRunBase 1022 float 7
fFatigueSwimWalkMult 1023 float 0
fFatigueSwimRunMult 1024 float 0
fFatigueSneakBase 1025 float 1.5
fFatigueSneakMult 1026 float 1.5
fMinHandToHandMult 1027 float 0.1
fMaxHandToHandMult 1028 float 0.5
fHandtoHandHealthPer 1029 float 0.1
fCombatInvisoMult 1030 float 0.2
fCombatKODamageMult 1031 float 1.5
fCombatCriticalStrikeMult 1032 float 4
iBlockMinChance 1033 integer 10
iBlockMaxChance 1034 integer 50
fLevelUpHealthEndMult 1035 float 0.1
fSoulGemMult 1036 float 3
fEffectCostMult 1037 float 0.5
fSpellPriceMult 1038 float 2
fFatigueSpellBase 1039 float 0
fFatigueSpellMult 1040 float 0
fFatigueSpellCostMult 1041 float 0
fPotionStrengthMult 1042 float 0.5
fPotionT1MagMult 1043 float 1.5
fPotionT1DurMult 1044 float 0.5
fPotionMinUsefulDuration 1045 float 20
fPotionT4BaseStrengthMult 1046 float 20
fPotionT4EquipStrengthMult 1047 float 12
fIngredientMult 1048 float 1
fMagicItemCostMult 1049 float 1
fMagicItemPriceMult 1050 float 1
fMagicItemOnceMult 1051 float 1
fMagicItemUsedMult 1052 float 1
fMagicItemStrikeMult 1053 float 1
fMagicItemConstantMult 1054 float 1
fEnchantmentMult 1055 float 0.1
fEnchantmentChanceMult 1056 float 3
fPCbaseMagickaMult 1057 float 1
fNPCbaseMagickaMult 1058 float 2
fAutoSpellChance 1059 float 80
fAutoPCSpellChance 1060 float 50
iAutoSpellTimesCanCast 1061 integer 3
iAutoSpellAttSkillMin 1062 integer 70
iAutoSpellAlterationMax 1063 integer 5
iAutoSpellConjurationMax 1064 integer 2
iAutoSpellDestructionMax 1065 integer 5
iAutoSpellIllusionMax 1066 integer 5
iAutoSpellMysticismMax 1067 integer 5
iAutoSpellRestorationMax 1068 integer 5
iAutoPCSpellMax 1069 integer 100
iAutoRepFacMod 1070 integer 2
iAutoRepLevMod 1071 integer 0
iMagicItemChargeOnce 1072 integer 1
iMagicItemChargeConst 1073 integer 10
iMagicItemChargeUse 1074 integer 5
iMagicItemChargeStrike 1075 integer 10
iMonthsToRespawn 1076 integer 4
fCorpseClearDelay 1077 float 72
fCorpseRespawnDelay 1078 float 72
fBarterGoldResetDelay 1079 float 24
fEncumbranceStrMult 1080 float 5
fPickLockMult 1081 float -1
fTrapCostMult 1082 float 0
fMessageTimePerChar 1083 float 0.1
fMagicItemRechargePerSecond 1084 float 0.05
i1stPersonSneakDelta 1085 integer 10
iBarterSuccessDisposition 1086 integer 1
iBarterFailDisposition 1087 integer -1
iLevelupTotal 1088 integer 10
iLevelupMajorMult 1089 integer 1
iLevelupMinorMult 1090 integer 1
iLevelupMajorMultAttribute 1091 integer 1
iLevelupMinorMultAttribute 1092 integer 1
iLevelupMiscMultAttriubte 1093 integer 1
iLevelupSpecialization 1094 integer 1
iLevelUp01Mult 1095 integer 2
iLevelUp02Mult 1096 integer 2
iLevelUp03Mult 1097 integer 2
iLevelUp04Mult 1098 integer 2
iLevelUp05Mult 1099 integer 3
iLevelUp06Mult 1100 integer 3
iLevelUp07Mult 1101 integer 3
iLevelUp08Mult 1102 integer 4
iLevelUp09Mult 1103 integer 4
iLevelUp10Mult 1104 integer 5
iSoulAmountForConstantEffect 1105 integer 400
fConstantEffectMult 1106 float 15
fEnchantmentConstantDurationMult 1107 float 100
fEnchantmentConstantChanceMult 1108 float 0.5
fWeaponDamageMult 1109 float 0.1
fSeriousWoundMult 1110 float 0
fKnockDownMult 1111 float 0.5
iKnockDownOddsBase 1112 integer 50
iKnockDownOddsMult 1113 integer 50
fCombatArmorMinMult 1114 float 0.25
fHandToHandReach 1115 float 1
fVoiceIdleOdds 1116 float 10
iVoiceAttackOdds 1117 integer 10
iVoiceHitOdds 1118 integer 30
fProjectileMinSpeed 1119 float 400
fProjectileMaxSpeed 1120 float 3000
fThrownWeaponMinSpeed 1121 float 300
fThrownWeaponMaxSpeed 1122 float 1000
fTargetSpellMaxSpeed 1123 float 1000
fProjectileThrownStoreChance 1124 float 25
iPickMinChance 1125 integer 5
iPickMaxChance 1126 integer 75
fDispRaceMod 1127 float 5
fDispPersonalityMult 1128 float 0.5
fDispPersonalityBase 1129 float 50
fDispFactionMod 1130 float 3
fDispFactionRankBase 1131 float 1
fDispFactionRankMult 1132 float 0.5
fDispCrimeMod 1133 float 0
fDispDiseaseMod 1134 float -10
iDispAttackMod 1135 integer -50
fDispWeaponDrawn 1136 float -5
fDispBargainSuccessMod 1137 float 1
fDispBargainFailMod 1138 float -1
fDispPickPocketMod 1139 float -25
iDaysinPrisonMod 1140 integer 100
fDispAttacking 1141 float -10
fDispStealing 1142 float -0.5
iDispTresspass 1143 integer -20
iDispKilling 1144 integer -50
iTrainingMod 1145 integer 10
iAlchemyMod 1146 integer 2
fBargainOfferBase 1147 float 50
fBargainOfferMulti 1148 float -4
fDispositionMod 1149 float 1
fPersonalityMod 1150 float 5
fLuckMod 1151 float 10
fReputationMod 1152 float 1
fLevelMod 1153 float 5
fBribe10Mod 1154 float 35
fBribe100Mod 1155 float 75
fBribe1000Mod 1156 float 150
fPerDieRollMult 1157 float 0.3
fPerTempMult 1158 float 1
iPerMinChance 1159 integer 5
iPerMinChange 1160 integer 10
fSpecialSkillBonus 1161 float 0.8
fMajorSkillBonus 1162 float 0.75
fMinorSkillBonus 1163 float 1
fMiscSkillBonus 1164 float 1.25
iAlarmKilling 1165 integer 90
iAlarmAttack 1166 integer 50
iAlarmStealing 1167 integer 1
iAlarmPickPocket 1168 integer 20
iAlarmTresspass 1169 integer 5
fAlarmRadius 1170 float 2000
iCrimeKilling 1171 integer 1000
iCrimeAttack 1172 integer 40
fCrimeStealing 1173 float 1
iCrimePickPocket 1174 integer 25
iCrimeTresspass 1175 integer 5
iCrimeThreshold 1176 integer 1000
iCrimeThresholdMultiplier 1177 integer 10
fCrimeGoldDiscountMult 1178 float 0.5
fCrimeGoldTurnInMult 1179 float 0.9
iFightAttack 1180 integer 100
iFightAttacking 1181 integer 50
iFightDistanceBase 1182 integer 20
fFightDistanceMultiplier 1183 float 0.005
iFightAlarmMult 1184 integer 1
fFightDispMult 1185 float 0.2
fFightStealing 1186 float 50
iFightPickpocket 1187 integer 25
iFightTrespass 1188 integer 25
iFightKilling 1189 integer 50
iFlee 1190 integer 0
iGreetDistanceMultiplier 1191 integer 6
iGreetDuration 1192 integer 4
fGreetDistanceReset 1193 float 512
fIdleChanceMultiplier 1194 float 0.75
fSneakUseDist 1195 float 500
fSneakUseDelay 1196 float 1
fSneakDistanceBase 1197 float 0.5
fSneakDistanceMultiplier 1198 float 0.002
fSneakSpeedMultiplier 1199 float 0.75
fSneakViewMult 1200 float 1.5
fSneakNoViewMult 1201 float 0.5
fSneakSkillMult 1202 float 1
fSneakBootMult 1203 float -1
fCombatDistance 1204 float 128
fCombatAngleXY 1205 float 0.6666667
fCombatAngleZ 1206 float 0.6666667
fCombatForceSideAngle 1207 float 0.3333333
fCombatTorsoSideAngle 1208 float 0.5
fCombatTorsoStartPercent 1209 float 0.3
fCombatTorsoStopPercent 1210 float 0.8
fCombatBlockLeftAngle 1211 float -1
fCombatBlockRightAngle 1212 float 0.3333333
fCombatDelayCreature 1213 float 0.1
fCombatDelayNPC 1214 float 0.1
sTargetCriticalStrike 1215 string "Critical Damage!"
fAIMeleeWeaponMult 1216 float 2
fAIRangeMeleeWeaponMult 1217 float 5
fAIMagicSpellMult 1218 float 3
fAIRangeMagicSpellMult 1219 float 5
fAIMeleeArmorMult 1220 float 1
fAIMeleeSummWeaponMult 1221 float 1
fAIFleeHealthMult 1222 float 7
fAIFleeFleeMult 1223 float 0.3
fPickPocketMod 1224 float 0.3
fSleepRandMod 1225 float 0.25
fSleepRestMod 1226 float 0.3
iNumberCreatures 1227 integer 1
fAudioDefaultMinDistance 1228 float 5
fAudioDefaultMaxDistance 1229 float 40
fAudioVoiceDefaultMinDistance 1230 float 10
fAudioVoiceDefaultMaxDistance 1231 float 60
fAudioMinDistanceMult 1232 float 20
fAudioMaxDistanceMult 1233 float 50
fNPCHealthBarTime 1234 float 3
fNPCHealthBarFade 1235 float 0.5
fDifficultyMult 1236 float 5
fWereWolfRunMult 1237 float 1.3
fWereWolfSilverWeaponDamageMult 1238 float 2
iWereWolfBounty 1239 integer 1000
fWereWolfStrength 1240 float 150
fWereWolfAgility 1241 float 150
fWereWolfEndurance 1242 float 150
fWereWolfSpeed 1243 float 90
fWereWolfHandtoHand 1244 float 100
fWereWolfUnarmored 1245 float 100
iWereWolfLevelToAttack 1246 integer 20
iWereWolfFightMod 1247 integer 100
iWereWolfFleeMod 1248 integer 100
fWereWolfAthletics 1249 float 50
fWereWolfAcrobatics 1250 float 80
fWereWolfHealth 1251 float 2
fWereWolfFatigue 1252 float 400
fWereWolfMagicka 1253 float 100
fWereWolfIntellegence 1254 float 0
fWereWolfWillPower 1255 float 0
fWereWolfPersonality 1256 float 0
fWereWolfLuck 1257 float 25
fWereWolfBlock 1258 float 0
fWereWolfArmorer 1259 float 0
fWereWolfMediumArmor 1260 float 0
fWereWolfHeavyArmor 1261 float 0
fWereWolfBluntWeapon 1262 float 0
fWereWolfLongBlade 1263 float 0
fWereWolfAxe 1264 float 0
fWereWolfSpear 1265 float 0
fWereWolfDestruction 1266 float 0
fWereWolfAlteration 1267 float 0
fWereWolfIllusion 1268 float 0
fWereWolfConjuration 1269 float 0
fWereWolfMysticism 1270 float 0
fWereWolfRestoration 1271 float 0
fWereWolfEnchant 1272 float 0
fWereWolfAlchemy 1273 float 0
fWereWolfSecurity 1274 float 0
fWereWolfSneak 1275 float 95
fWereWolfLightArmor 1276 float 0
fWereWolfShortBlade 1277 float 0
fWereWolfMarksman 1278 float 0
fWereWolfMerchantile 1279 float 0
fWereWolfSpeechcraft 1280 float 0
fCombatDistanceWerewolfMod 1281 float 0.3
fFleeDistance 1282 float 3000
sEffectWaterBreathing 1283 string "Water Breathing"
sEffectSwiftSwim 1284 string "Swift Swim"
sEffectWaterWalking 1285 string "Water Walking"
sEffectShield 1286 string "Shield"
sEffectFireShield 1287 string "Fire Shield"
sEffectLightningShield 1288 string "Lightning Shield"
sEffectFrostShield 1289 string "Frost Shield"
sEffectBurden 1290 string "Burden"
sEffectFeather 1291 string "Feather"
sEffectJump 1292 string "Jump"
sEffectLevitate 1293 string "Levitate"
sEffectSlowFall 1294 string "SlowFall"
sEffectLock 1295 string "Lock"
sEffectOpen 1296 string "Open"
sEffectFireDamage 1297 string "Fire Damage"
sEffectShockDamage 1298 string "Shock Damage"
sEffectFrostDamage 1299 string "Frost Damage"
sEffectDrainAttribute 1300 string "Drain Attribute"
sEffectDrainHealth 1301 string "Drain Health"
sEffectDrainSpellpoints 1302 string "Drain Magicka"
sEffectDrainFatigue 1303 string "Drain Fatigue"
sEffectDrainSkill 1304 string "Drain Skill"
sEffectDamageAttribute 1305 string "Damage Attribute"
sEffectDamageHealth 1306 string "Damage Health"
sEffectDamageMagicka 1307 string "Damage Magicka"
sEffectDamageFatigue 1308 string "Damage Fatigue"
sEffectDamageSkill 1309 string "Damage Skill"
sEffectPoison 1310 string "Poison"
sEffectWeaknessToFire 1311 string "Weakness to Fire"
sEffectWeaknessToFrost 1312 string "Weakness to Frost"
sEffectWeaknessToShock 1313 string "Weakness to Shock"
sEffectWeaknessToMagicka 1314 string "Weakness to Magicka"
sEffectWeaknessToCommonDisease 1315 string "Weakness to Common Disease"
sEffectWeaknessToBlightDisease 1316 string "Weakness to Blight Disease"
sEffectWeaknessToCorprusDisease 1317 string "Weakness to Corprus Disease"
sEffectWeaknessToPoison 1318 string "Weakness to Poison"
sEffectWeaknessToNormalWeapons 1319 string "Weakness to Normal Weapons"
sEffectDisintegrateWeapon 1320 string "Disintegrate Weapon"
sEffectDisintegrateArmor 1321 string "Disintegrate Armor"
sEffectInvisibility 1322 string "Invisibility"
sEffectChameleon 1323 string "Chameleon"
sEffectLight 1324 string "Light"
sEffectSanctuary 1325 string "Sanctuary"
sEffectNightEye 1326 string "Night Eye"
sEffectCharm 1327 string "Charm"
sEffectParalyze 1328 string "Paralyze"
sEffectSilence 1329 string "Silence"
sEffectBlind 1330 string "Blind"
sEffectSound 1331 string "Sound"
sEffectCalmHumanoid 1332 string "Calm Humanoid"
sEffectCalmCreature 1333 string "Calm Creature"
sEffectFrenzyHumanoid 1334 string "Frenzy Humanoid"
sEffectFrenzyCreature 1335 string "Frenzy Creature"
sEffectDemoralizeHumanoid 1336 string "Demoralize Humanoid"
sEffectDemoralizeCreature 1337 string "Demoralize Creature"
sEffectRallyHumanoid 1338 string "Rally Humanoid"
sEffectRallyCreature 1339 string "Rally Creature"
sEffectDispel 1340 string "Dispel"
sEffectSoultrap 1341 string "Soultrap"
sEffectTelekinesis 1342 string "Telekinesis"
sEffectMark 1343 string "Mark"
sEffectRecall 1344 string "Recall"
sEffectDivineIntervention 1345 string "Divine Intervention"
sEffectAlmsiviIntervention 1346 string "Almsivi Intervention"
sEffectDetectAnimal 1347 string "Detect Animal"
sEffectDetectEnchantment 1348 string "Detect Enchantment"
sEffectDetectKey 1349 string "Detect Key"
sEffectSpellAbsorption 1350 string "Spell Absorption"
sEffectReflect 1351 string "Reflect"
sEffectCureCommonDisease 1352 string "Cure Common Disease"
sEffectCureBlightDisease 1353 string "Cure Blight Disease"
sEffectCureCorprusDisease 1354 string "Cure Corprus Disease"
sEffectCurePoison 1355 string "Cure Poison"
sEffectCureParalyzation 1356 string "Cure Paralyzation"
sEffectRestoreAttribute 1357 string "Restore Attribute"
sEffectRestoreHealth 1358 string "Restore Health"
sEffectRestoreSpellPoints 1359 string "Restore Magicka"
sEffectRestoreFatigue 1360 string "Restore Fatigue"
sEffectRestoreSkill 1361 string "Restore Skill"
sEffectFortifyAttribute 1362 string "Fortify Attribute"
sEffectFortifyHealth 1363 string "Fortify Health"
sEffectFortifySpellpoints 1364 string "Fortify Magicka"
sEffectFortifyFatigue 1365 string "Fortify Fatigue"
sEffectFortifySkill 1366 string "Fortify Skill"
sEffectFortifyMagickaMultiplier 1367 string "Fortify Maximum Magicka"
sEffectAbsorbAttribute 1368 string "Absorb Attribute"
sEffectAbsorbHealth 1369 string "Absorb Health"
sEffectAbsorbSpellPoints 1370 string "Absorb Magicka"
sEffectAbsorbFatigue 1371 string "Absorb Fatigue"
sEffectAbsorbSkill 1372 string "Absorb Skill"
sEffectResistFire 1373 string "Resist Fire"
sEffectResistFrost 1374 string "Resist Frost"
sEffectResistShock 1375 string "Resist Shock"
sEffectResistMagicka 1376 string "Resist Magicka"
sEffectResistCommonDisease 1377 string "Resist Common Disease"
sEffectResistBlightDisease 1378 string "Resist Blight Disease"
sEffectResistCorprusDisease 1379 string "Resist Corprus Disease"
sEffectResistPoison 1380 string "Resist Poison"
sEffectResistNormalWeapons 1381 string "Resist Normal Weapons"
sEffectResistParalysis 1382 string "Resist Paralysis"
sEffectRemoveCurse 1383 string "Remove Curse"
sEffectTurnUndead 1384 string "Turn Undead"
sEffectSummonScamp 1385 string "Summon Scamp"
sEffectSummonClannfear 1386 string "Summon Clannfear"
sEffectSummonDaedroth 1387 string "Summon Daedroth"
sEffectSummonDremora 1388 string "Summon Dremora"
sEffectSummonAncestralGhost 1389 string "Summon Ancestral Ghost"
sEffectSummonSkeletalMinion 1390 string "Summon Skeletal Minion"
sEffectSummonLeastBonewalker 1391 string "Summon Bonewalker"
sEffectSummonGreaterBonewalker 1392 string "Summon Greater Bonewalker"
sEffectSummonBonelord 1393 string "Summon Bonelord"
sEffectSummonWingedTwilight 1394 string "Summon Winged Twilight"
sEffectSummonHunger 1395 string "Summon Hunger"
sEffectSummonGoldensaint 1396 string "Summon Golden Saint"
sEffectSummonFlameAtronach 1397 string "Summon Flame Atronach"
sEffectSummonFrostAtronach 1398 string "Summon Frost Atronach"
sEffectSummonStormAtronach 1399 string "Summon Storm Atronach"
sEffectFortifyAttackBonus 1400 string "Fortify Attack"
sEffectCommandCreatures 1401 string "Command Creature"
sEffectCommandHumanoids 1402 string "Command Humanoid"
sEffectBoundDagger 1403 string "Bound Dagger"
sEffectBoundLongsword 1404 string "Bound Longsword"
sEffectBoundMace 1405 string "Bound Mace"
sEffectBoundBattleAxe 1406 string "Bound Battle Axe"
sEffectBoundSpear 1407 string "Bound Spear"
sEffectBoundLongbow 1408 string "Bound Longbow"
sEffectExtraSpell 1409 string "EXTRA SPELL"
sEffectBoundCuirass 1410 string "Bound Cuirass"
sEffectBoundHelm 1411 string "Bound Helm"
sEffectBoundBoots 1412 string "Bound Boots"
sEffectBoundShield 1413 string "Bound Shield"
sEffectBoundGloves 1414 string "Bound Gloves"
sEffectCorpus 1415 string "Corprus"
sEffectVampirism 1416 string "Vampirism"
sEffectSummonCenturionSphere 1417 string "Summon Centurion Sphere"
sEffectSunDamage 1418 string "Sun Damage"
sEffectStuntedMagicka 1419 string "Stunted Magicka"
sEffectSummonFabricant 1420 string "Summon Fabricant"
sEffectSummonCreature01 1421 string "Call Wolf"
sEffectSummonCreature02 1422 string "Call Bear"
sEffectSummonCreature03 1423 string "Summon Bonewolf"
sEffectSummonCreature04 1424 string "sEffectSummonCreature04"
sEffectSummonCreature05 1425 string "sEffectSummonCreature05"
sSchoolAlteration 1426 string "Alteration"
sSchoolConjuration 1427 string "Conjuration"
sSchoolDestruction 1428 string "Destruction"
sSchoolIllusion 1429 string "Illusion"
sSchoolMysticism 1430 string "Mysticism"
sSchoolRestoration 1431 string "Restoration"
sTypeSpell 1432 string "Spells"
sTypeAbility 1433 string "Abilities"
sTypeBlightDisease 1434 string "Blight Disease"
sTypeDisease 1435 string "Disease"
sTypeCurse 1436 string "Curse"
sTypePower 1437 string "Powers"
sItemCastOnce 1438 string "Cast Once"
sItemCastWhenStrikes 1439 string "Cast When Strikes"
sItemCastWhenUsed 1440 string "Cast When Used"
sItemCastConstant 1441 string "Constant Effect"
sRangeSelf 1442 string "Self"
sRangeTouch 1443 string "Touch"
sRangeTarget 1444 string "Target"
sMagicSkillFail 1445 string "You failed casting the spell."
sMagicInsufficientSP 1446 string "You do not have enough Magicka to cast the spell."
sMagicInsufficientCharge 1447 string "Item does not have enough charge."
sPowerAlreadyUsed 1448 string "You already used that power today."
sMagicInvalidTarget 1449 string "Your spell did not get a target."
sMagicLockSuccess 1450 string "Your spell has locked its target."
sMagicOpenSuccess 1451 string "Your spell has unlocked its target."
sMagicTargetResistsWeapons 1452 string "Your weapon has no effect."
sMagicContractDisease 1453 string "You have contracted %s"
fMagicDetectRefreshRate 1454 float 0.5
fMagicStartIconBlink 1455 float 3
fMagicCreatureCastDelay 1456 float 1.5
sMagicScampID 1457 string "Scamp_summon"
sMagicClannfearID 1458 string "Clannfear_summon"
sMagicDaedrothID 1459 string "Daedroth_summon"
sMagicDremoraID 1460 string "Dremora_summon"
sMagicAncestralGhostID 1461 string "Ancestor_Ghost_summon"
sMagicSkeletalMinionID 1462 string "Skeleton_summon"
sMagicLeastBonewalkerID 1463 string "Bonewalker_summon"
sMagicGreaterBonewalkerID 1464 string "Bonewalker_Greater_summ"
sMagicBonelordID 1465 string "Bonelord_summon"
sMagicWingedTwilightID 1466 string "Winged Twilight_summon"
sMagicHungerID 1467 string "Hunger_summon"
sMagicGoldenSaintID 1468 string "Golden Saint_summon"
sMagicFlameAtronachID 1469 string "Atronach_Flame_summon"
sMagicFrostAtronachID 1470 string "Atronach_Frost_summon"
sMagicStormAtronachID 1471 string "Atronach_Storm_summon"
sMagicCenturionSphereID 1472 string "centurion_sphere_summon"
sMagicFabricantID 1473 string "Fabricant_summon"
sMagicCreature01ID 1474 string "BM_wolf_grey_summon"
sMagicCreature02ID 1475 string "BM_bear_black_summon"
sMagicCreature03ID 1476 string "BM_wolf_bone_summon"
sMagicCreature04ID 1477 string "sMagicCreature04ID"
sMagicCreature05ID 1478 string "sMagicCreature05ID"
sMagicBoundDaggerID 1479 string "Bound_Dagger"
sMagicBoundLongswordID 1480 string "Bound_Longsword"
sMagicBoundMaceID 1481 string "Bound_Mace"
sMagicBoundBattleAxeID 1482 string "Bound_Battle_Axe"
sMagicBoundSpearID 1483 string "Bound_Spear"
sMagicBoundLongbowID 1484 string "Bound_Longbow"
sMagicBoundCuirassID 1485 string "Bound_Cuirass"
sMagicBoundHelmID 1486 string "Bound_Helm"
sMagicBoundBootsID 1487 string "Bound_Boots"
sMagicBoundShieldID 1488 string "Bound_Shield"
sMagicBoundLeftGauntletID 1489 string "Bound_Gauntlet_Left"
sMagicBoundRightGauntletID 1490 string "Bound_Gauntlet_Right"
fDiseaseXferChance 1491 float 2.5
fElementalShieldMult 1492 float 0.1
sMagicCorprusWorsens 1493 string "Your case of Corprus has worsened."
sMagicCannotRecast 1494 string "You cannot re-cast this spell while it is still in effect."
fMagicSunBlockedMult 1495 float 0.5
sMagicPCResisted 1496 string "You resisted magic."
sMagicTargetResisted 1497 string "Target resisted magic."
sMagicInvalidEffect 1498 string "You cannot cast this effect right now."
sAcrobat 1499 string "Acrobat"
sAgent 1500 string "Agent"
sArcher 1501 string "Archer"
sAssassin 1502 string "Assassin"
sBarbarian 1503 string "Barbarian"
sBard 1504 string "Bard"
sBattlemage 1505 string "Battlemage"
sCrusader 1506 string "Crusader"
sCustom 1507 string "Custom"
sHealer 1508 string "Healer"
sKnight 1509 string "Knight"
sMage 1510 string "Mage"
sMonk 1511 string "Monk"
sNightblade 1512 string "Nightblade"
sPilgrim 1513 string "Pilgrim"
sRogue 1514 string "Rogue"
sScout 1515 string "Scout"
sSorceror 1516 string "Sorcerer"
sSpellsword 1517 string "Spellsword"
sThief 1518 string "Thief"
sWarrior 1519 string "Warrior"
sWitchhunter 1520 string "Witchhunter"