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This event is triggered after magic is reflected, and before the target of the magic is re-assigned to the caster. This event occurs once per reflected effect in a spell, so a multi-effect spell may trigger this multiple times.

--- @param e magicReflectedEventData
local function magicReflectedCallback(e)
event.register(tes3.event.magicReflected, magicReflectedCallback)


This event can be filtered based on the target event data.


An event can be claimed by setting e.claim to true, or by returning false from the callback. Claiming the event prevents any lower priority callbacks from being called.

Event Data⚓︎

  • mobile (tes3mobileActor): Read-only. The mobile actor that reflected the spell.
  • reflectEffect (tes3activeMagicEffect): Read-only. The specific reflect effect being tested. This is a tes3activeMagicEffect instead of a more common magic instance. You can lookup the magic source instance or effect instance with tes3activeMagicEffect accessors.
  • source (tes3alchemy, tes3enchantment, tes3spell): Read-only. The magic source.
  • sourceInstance (tes3magicSourceInstance): Read-only. The unique instance of the magic source.
  • target (tes3reference): Read-only. The actor that reflected the spell.
